If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Custom Lineage +2 to Dex, Size: Medium, Feat: Slasher +1 to Dex, Variable Trait: Darkvision 60′

Stats (27 pts)

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 11

Class Breakdown: Monk 4 (Way of the Kensei)/Druid 2 (Circle of the Shepherd)

Kyouka Uzen is the Chief in charge of the 7th unit of the Anti-Demon Corps, seeking to one day become the supreme commander of the whole Corps one day. She is a fierce fighter gifted with the Peach power of Slave which allows her to enslave Shuuki to fight beside her. Initially seen as a weak ability, Kyouka sought to strengthen herself into a powerful close-quarter combatant to assist herself in battle using her Shuuki slaves to battle other Shuukis.

The downside of her ability requires her to satisfy the wants of the creature that she enslaves, mainly feeding pork to the mindless monsters. It’s not until she experiments on using it on Yuuki Wakura that she realizes how powerful her ability becomes. Now, gifted with the willing slave Yuuki, she can decimate whole swaths of Shuuki with all the fury she can muster.

Monk is the starting basis for Kyouka’s path to becoming the next commander of the Anti-Demon Corps, With Monk she gains proficiencies in Insight, Athletics, and Smith’s Tools, Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Ki, Unarmored Movement, Deflect Missiles and Slow Fall.

Monastic Tradition: Way of the Kensei is where Kyouka gains her incredible mastery with the blade, allowing her to fight without using her peach abilities. Way of the Kensei gives her Path of the Kensei: Calligrapher’s Supplies, Longsword, and Pistol. With this feature, she can use a Longsword with her monk abilities increasing her damage potential as well as her defense while she weaves through her enemies.

Druid garners her abilities and spells that can be used to enhance her allies and devastate her enemies. With Druid, she gains the language Druidic, Spellcasting, and Wild Shape.

Druid Circle: Circle of the Shepherd greatly enhances Kyouka’s capability to greatly enhance Yuuki’s battle performance with the features of this subclass. Circle of the Shepherd gifts her Speech of the Woods and Spirit Totem

The feat of Slasher gives her a +1 to her Dex, the ability to reduce a target’s speed by 10 feet when she lands an attack, and the ability to give a foe disadvantage on all attacks when she lands a critical hit.

The feat Martial Adept gives her further training in close-quarters fighting with the special combat maneuvers of Commander’s Strike and Pushing Attack.

Background: Knight of the Order gives her Persuasion, History, and Tool Proficiency: Three-Dragon Ante Set, the language of Infernal, and the Background Feature of Knightly Regard. This represents her goal to become the next Supreme Commander.

Equipment: Shortsword, 10 Darts, Explorer’s pack, and Knight of the Order Starting Equipment. Pick up a Moon-Touched Longsword when you get the chance.






1st Level

Beast Bond

Charm Person

Earth Tremor












Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related