A’lela was quiet and studious of the two sisters. She rarely spent time socializing with others in her tribe save her sister Alit’ta during her days growing up and traveling the shadowlands. She started to come out of her shell more when she noticed the incredible skills of the bladesingers and psi-powered fighters of their tribe. From that day on she started to work harder, training her mind and body toward becoming a warrior for the tribe. After much training, she was selected for further training as a psychic warrior but was also allowed to learn from the bladesingers as well. While vanguarding with a few of her fellow warriors they came under attack from a pack of shadow mastiffs that ambushed them while on patrol. Despite the hard fighting most of her fellows were killed but Alit’ta and her defeated the final mastiff. As the two of them gathered the remains of their comrades they noticed a large explosion coming from the direction of their town. They raced with all of their might to reach their home only to arrive at a massacre as the town itself was reduced to splintered ruin, rocked by spells of flame and thunderous destruction. They found amongst their dead slain mages cloaked in red and covered in tattoos. After burying their dead the two sisters vowed to exact revenge on those responsible for this tragedy and set off to strengthen their skills and abilities in order to combat the arcanist who attacked their tribe.

A’lela (Psi-Sassin Slayer)

Race: Shadar-kai +1 to Str, Int and Dex, Creature Type: Humanoid Elf, Size: Medium, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Keen Senses, Necrotic Resistance and Trance: Smith’s Tools and Alchemist’s Supplies

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 9 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 8 (base stats)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 8 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Psi-powered Offense and Defense.
  2. Singing while Slaying.
  3. Arcane Investigator.


For Background, I chose Investigator for A’lela. This gives her the skills of Investigation and Deception, the Tool Proficiencies of Disguise Kit and Thieves’ Tools, and the Background Feature of Official Inquiry.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with Fighter 4 (Psi Warrior)/Wizard 2 (Bladesinging). With these classes, she gains the ability to deal substantial amounts of damage and enhanced defenses with Bladesong and Psionic Power, incredible skills at investigations, and the ability to dismantle any spellcaster with the feat Mage Slayer. Combined with her racial abilities makes A’lela an effective one-two combo with her sister A’litta.

Fighter 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Acrobatics and Insight, Fighting Style: Dueling, and Second Wind.

Fighter 2 continues her martial training with the feature Action Surge.

Fighter 3 is where A’lela unlocks her mind’s hidden potential as she picks up the Psi Warrior Martial Archetype gaining access to Psionic Power. With Psionic Power she gains Protective Field, Psionic Strike, and Telekinetic Movement. Now she can reduce damage, deal extra force damage, and the ability to move items or friends up to the large category.

Wizard 1 grants her access to Spellcasting and Arcane Recovery.

Wizard 2 is the level that allows A’lela to channel the voices of her fallen tribe with the Arcane Tradition of Bladesinging. With this tradition, she gains proficiency in the Performance skill as well as Bladesong. Now she can increase her AC with her Int modifier, her walking speed by 10 feet, an advantage on Acrobatics checks and a bonus to her Con saving throws to maintain her concentration on spells with her Int modifier.

Fighter 4 is the last level for this build with the Feat: Mage Slayer. This feat allows her to attack a being that cast a spell within 5 feet of herself as a reaction, afflict disadvantage on concentration checks to her foes, and give herself advantage on saves against spells that are cast by creatures within 5 feet of her.




Booming Blade

Fire Bolt


1st Level

Absorb Elements

Magic Missle


Silvery Barbs



Standard Fighter Equipment with Rapier, Light Crossbow and bolts, Hand Crossbow, Leather Armor, Longbow, and arrows.

Character sheet from DND Beyond



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related