Muichiro Tokito is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer, a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps, and the current Mist Hashira. He is known for being a child prodigy when it comes to being a strong sword fighter gifted with potential from his heritage. He is frank with his speech when it comes to interacting with people in general but does grow as a person as he spends time around Tanjiro. He is also known for being an airhead due in part to his fragmented memory as he is constantly spacing out at various small things around him. Despite this, he still maintains his focus when it revolves around slaying demons and demon slayer corps business. Muichiro’s mist breath style is a derivative of the Wind breath style used by Sanemi Shinazugawa. As the Mist Hashira, his breathing style involves obfuscating his movements from his opponent’s sight, speed, and reaction time on par with teleportation and insanely quick slashes from his blade. This style is one based on billowing fog and the cutting cold of his steel.

Muichiro Tokito Stats

Str 11 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 9 (27 point buy)

Str 11 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 9 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 5(Way of the Kensei)/Fighter 1

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Fog Obscuring Strikes.
  2. Teleportation Strikes.
  3. Overwhelming Potential for Damage.


For Background, I chose Knight of the Order for Muichiro. He gains the Skill Proficiencies of Persuasion and Arcana, Tool Proficiency of Hand Drum, the Language of Undercommon, and the background feature of Knightly Regard. This represents his recruitment into the Demon Slayer’s Corp.


For Race, I chose Triton. With this race, he gains +2 to Dex, and +1 to Wis, Amphibious, Control Air and Water, Darkvision, Emissary of the Sea, Guardian of the Depths. The key feature for this race is Control Air and Water (Wis) since it gives him access to the spells fog cloud, gust of wind, and water walk.


Muichiro’s class breakdown is a mixture of two classes, Monk 5 (Way of the Kensei)/Fighter 1. It is with these classes that he gains access to Unarmored Defense, Unarmed Fighting, and Ki usage, Deflect Missiles, Stunning Strike, as well as Path of the Kensei abilities that increase his damage and defensive abilities. The Fighter level gives him extra healing in the form of Second Wind while Fighting Style: Blind Fighting gives him the ability to fight successfully in the heavy obscurement created by the Fog Cloud spell. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Monk 1 is the starting class for Muichiro. This gives him the skills of Acrobatics, Athletics, and Smith’s Tools with Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Fighter 1 is where he picks up Fighting Style: Blind Fighting and Second Wind.

Monk 2 grants him access to Ki and Unarmored Movement. Now he has access to multiple attacks, increased defense, and the ability to increase his movement speed in a round.

Monk 3 is the next step in Muichiro’s progression with Way of the Kensei and Deflect Missiles. It is with this level he gains Kensei Weapon: Longsword and Dart, Agile Parry, Kensei’s Shot, and Way of the Brush: Calligrapher’s Supplies. This level gives Muichiro a large bonus increase with the use of a Longsword as well as an increase to his defense with Agile Parry and Deflect Missiles.

Monk 4 is where Muichiro is granted his signature fighting speed with the Feat: Fey Touched (Wis) and Slow Fall. The feat grants him the spell Misty Step and Hunter’s Mark. Now he can move with incredible speed across the battlefield to strike his opponents down in an instant while gaining bonus damage against them.

Monk 5 is the final level for Muichiro with access to Extra Attack and Stunning Strike. Now he has the ability to unleash four attacks around while moving around the battlefield all the while blinding his opponents to his movements and strikes.

With full use of Muichiro’s powers he can perform the following techniques via job features and abilities:

Mist Breathing

  • First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze- Movement + Step of the Wind + Attack + Extra Attack
  • Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist- Attack + Extra Attack + Flurry of Blows
  • Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash- Deflect Missiles + Control Air and Water: Gust of Wind
  • Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash- Movement + Step of the Wind + Attack + Extra Attack
  • Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze-
    • Round 1: Movement + Fog Cloud Spell
    • Round 2: Attack + Extra Attack + Flurry of Blows
  • Sixth Form: Movement + Athletic Check to Jump + Step of the Wind + Attack (Melee/Ranged) + Extra Attack( Melee/Ranged)
  • Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds
    • Round 1: Movement + Fog Cloud Spell
    • Round 2: Misty Step Spell + Attack + Extra Attack

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Muichiro a tremendous streak of unseen destruction that cloaks the last moments of a foe in Six levels or Less.



Fog Cloud

Gust of Wind

Water Walk

Fey Touched (Wis)

Misty Step

Hunter’s Mark


Standard Monk equipment with Darts, Shortsword, and Smith’s Tools. Pick up a Longsword when you get the chance.

Shout out to for their amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will continue building the Hashiras! That Hashira being Sanemi Shinazugawa, The Wind Hashira! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related