Terry Bogard is the main protagonist of the Fatal Fury series. He is a champion of the people who avenges his father’s death at the hands of his nemesis, Geese Howard. He is a fighter trained both by his father and on the brutal streets of south town to form his own brand of effective martial arts. His exploits in the Fatal Fury series showcase that to great effect.

Terry Bogard Stats

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 12 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 12 (after racial and feat mod)

Cutie Terry Stats

Str 9 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 15 Cha 12 (27 point buy)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 12 (after racial mod)

Class Monk 1/Fighter 5 (Psi Warrior) -Terry Bogard

Class Monk 6(Way of the Open Hand) -Cutie Terry

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Dominant Fist fighting Fury.
  2. Power Wave and Power Geysers for days.
  3. Durable enough to survive bare knuckle Boss Fights .


For the race I choose Variant human for both Terry and Cutie. The variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. For Terry I chose Orc for the language, increases to Str and Wis by 1, Athletics as the free skill, and the Crusher feat.

For Cutie I went with Elvish for the language, increases to Dex and Wis by 1, Perception as the free skill, and the Magic Initiate (Sorcerer) feat. Cutie gets the spells of Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap and Thunderwave. This represents her version of Power Wave, Power Geyser and Burning Knuckle.


For Background I went with Folk Hero for both Terry and Cutie with some variations between the two. With Folk Hero Terry gains the skills of Animal Handling, Survival, Vehicles (Land) and Woodcarver’s Tools for tool proficiencies. While Cutie gains the skills of Animal Handling, Survival, Vehicles (Land) and Cobbler’s Tools for tool proficiencies. The background feature of Rustic Hospitality is great when Terry or Cutie are in between fighting tournaments.


For Terry’s class breakdown I went with Monk 1/ Fighter 5 (Psi Warrior). This class combo grants him a grounded foundation in the martial arts and then amplifies his ability to tank through powerful attacks, dish out strong fist damage, and crowd control options.

With Monk 1 Terry gains Acrobatics, Insight for skills and Carpenter’s Tools proficiency. This also is where he picks up Unarmored Defense and his base level form of Martial Arts. If you wish to recreate Rising Tackle you would just land a hit on your enemy and flavor it as an anti air attack when you send you foe back five feet from the Crusher feat.

From there we his life changes dramatically with his father being killed in front of him by his nemesis and thus he street level training begins. The Fighter class from levels two to six are where he will gain the skill necessary to create his signature martial arts style.

Fighter 1 gives Terry Fighting Style and Second Wind. The Fighting Style for Terry is Unarmed Fighting/ This increase his damage from d4 to d8 and he gets two attacks a round while doing it. Second Wind is great to represent for an in fight hit point pick me up.

Fighter 2 grants Terry Action Surge. This essentially grants Terry two full rounds in one. Very useful when he needs to put the enemy to bed right then and there.

Fighter 3 is where Terry gains the durability to be punched through multiple walls. It is here where Psi Warrior is key. I do wish that the Psionic Strike worked with unarmed but I understand why for game balance reasons. That being said it is still an option if you use monk weapons at least. Primarily Protective Field is what is really the main part here. It allows you to use your reaction to lower the damage you take which is great to a minimum reduction of 1.

Fighter 4 is where Terry picks up the feat Magic Initiate (Sorcerer). It is here where Terry gets the spells of Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap and Thunderwave. This represents version of Power Wave, Power Geyser and Burning Knuckle for him.

Fighter 5 is the capstone for this build. It is here where Protective Field’s dice roll becomes d8, and Extra Attack. This gives Terry the option of three attacks a round. An attack sequence goes like this:

  1. Two Regular Attacks
  2. Bonus action for another attack
  3. Activate Crusher to blast the foe back five feet
  4. Action Surge
  5. Activate Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap or Thunderwave
  6. Move yourself according to which move you want to emulate.

Cutie Terry

For Cutie Terry I went with Monk levels one to six.

Monk 1 lays the basic Monk background that terry has. Her skills are Acrobatics, Athletics, and skilled in Cook’s Utensils.

Monk 2 gains her access to Ki usage and Unarmored Movement. She has access to more attacks, dodge as a bonus action, and increased in evasive tactics as well. Cutie now has move speed of 40 feet standard.

Monk 3 gives her access to Monastic Tradition, Deflect Missiles and Open Hand Technique. Cutie’s Monastic Tradition will be Way of the Open Hand. With Open Hand She gets techniques that allow her to knock foes prone, push foes 15 feet back or disable foes from using reactions.

Monk 4 is where Cutie Terry picks up a feat with that feat being Tough. This allows her to gain extra hit points to take on foes a little longer than a normal monk her level.

Monk 5 grants Cutie Stunning Strike which is very useful in a fist fight. She gets Extra Attack so she can actually get a max of four attacks a round if she spends Ki.

Monk 6 is the capstone for Cutie Terry with a wide range of powers. She gains Ki-Empowered Strikes, Unarmored Movement and Wholeness of Body. This gives her fist that count as magic attacks, increased speed to 45 feet standard, and the ability to heal herself.

Cutie Terry is a faster, nimble version of Terry Bogard but both have the ability to destroy their foes.


Magic Initiate (Sorcerer)


Shocking Grasp


1st Level



Standard Monk Gear with a mace and tools for one of their proficiencies.

Shout out to https://snk.fandom.com/wiki for the amazing information in making these fantastic characters. Next week is the younger brother Andy Bogard.

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related