Joe Higashi is the best friend of Terry and Andy Bogard, and the third member of the Fatal Fury team. He is the ladies man and sometimes comic relief of the series but is an incredible fighter. He is know for his quickness and his speed is enough to create hurricanes when he unleashes his full power. He is known as the Young Champ of Muay Thai.

Joe Higashi Stats

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 10 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 13 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 6(Way of the Four Elements)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Multiple unarmed attacks.
  2. Aerokinetic blast and gales .
  3. Survival skills in the jungle.


For the race I choose Variant human for Joe. The variant human gives you a free language, two ability scores increases, one free skill, and one free feat. For Joe I went with Elvish for the language, increases to Dex and Con by 1, Survival as the free skill, and the Magic Initiate(Druid) feat. With Magic Initiate(Druid) Joe gets Guidance, Gust and Absorb Elements.


For Background I chose Gladiator for Joe since he is a world champion Muay Thai fighter. With this background Joe gets Performance and Persuasion for skills, Disguise Kit and Drum for the Tool Proficiencies, and By Popular Demand.


For Joe’s class breakdown I went with a full six levels in Monk (Way of the Four Elements). This path represents not only his Muay Thai fighting style but also gives him his power over air and wind currents.

Monk 1 lays down the basic fighting style for Joe. His Proficiencies are Acrobatics, Athletics, and Woodcarver’s Tools. He also gains Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 gains him access to Ki usage and Unarmored Movement. This gives Joe access to more attacks, dodge as a bonus action, and increased in evasive tactics as well.

Monk 3 gives him access to Monastic Tradition, Deflect Missiles and Elemental Disciplines. Joe’s Monastic Tradition will be Way of the Four Elements. With Four Elements he gains the ability to cast spells using his Ki. For this level Joe gains Rush of the Gale Spirits and Fist of the Unbroken Air.

Monk 4 is where Joe will gain his explosive fighting style with the feat Crusher. This will increase his Con by one and allow him to batter his opponents around. Joe will also get Slow Fall as well.

Monk 5 grants Joe Stunning Strike and Extra Attack. This gives Joe the ability to make multiple attacks to a total of four attacks with Ki and the potential to stun a foe as well.

Monk 6 is the capstone for Joe Higashi with three different features.. He gains Ki-Empowered Strikes, Unarmored Movement and his final Elemental Discipline of Clench of the North Wind. This gives his fist the ability to count as magic attacks, increased speed to 45 feet standard, and the ability to cast hold person using the wind as the holding medium.

The Way of the Four Elements teamed with his cantrips and feat selection,creates the closest thing to The Young Champ of Muay Thai in Six levels or Less.


Magic Initiate (Druid)




1st Level

Absorb Elements


Standard Monk Gear with a dagger and tools for both of his proficiencies.

Shout out to for the amazing information in making these amazing characters. Next week is the female kunoichi herself, The Alluring Ninja Girl Mai Shiranui!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related