PC’s former traveling buddy has invited them to their grand opening of their new bar. Yet, when they arrive he is overcome with a mysterious illness. Now the PCs are on a race against time as they seek a special ingredient to rid their friend of this dangerous parasite before its too late. For a group of level 2 adventures (preferably without a paladin for game plot reasons)

Six W’s

Who/ are the enemies in this session?

Goblin Warlord with retinue, Intelligent Skeletons, Race against time.

What/ has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

Their friend and former traveling companion, Regdal Darwyn, has retired and opened his own tavern called the Amethyst Dream. Unfortunately, he is feeling particularly unwell upon the day the player’s find him. If a PC makes a DC 15 Medicine check they can tell that he is unwell and with a Arcane check of DC 10 (if they got the first check) they can find out he has a Red Slaad tadpole inside of him.

Father Regnard is a lowly level 2 priest of this small town and has no way of ridding him of this tadpole on his own. He does have an alternative means involving alchemical ingredients and a small bit of dryad tree sap. Unfortunately, he has not received the latest shipment of Sap from the Dryad known as Wasinda in the past two weeks. Her grove is an 8 hours journey away from the town of Thrance on foot. Due to the nature of the terrain it is dangerous to use horses hence the need to travel on foot.

The PCs will be assaulted along the road to Dryad Wassinda’s grove by a local goblin bandit gang who have set a pitfall trap for anyone who follows the road.

The fight at the Dryad’s grove involves intelligent skeletons shaking down the Dryad for their latest shipment of Sap. Seems the skeletons have been stealing the sap shipment and selling to underworld connections. They have killed off any defenders of the dryad and she has been forced to over-sap her tree because of them.

Where is this encounter happening?

This is happening in the town of Thrance, the road to Dryad Wasinda’s grove and Dryad Wasinda’s grove.

When did this happen?

Regdal was infected three months ago when he was helping out the town guard. He saw a strange red frog sniffing around the stables. When he confronted it the creature gave him a gash for his troubles before running. It also left a tiny tadpole inside of Regdal.

Why are the PCs here?

To visit their dear friend Regdal after receiving a letter stating his new Tavern, The Amethyst Dream, grand opening.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The PCs will need to travel post haste to get to the dryad’s grove. The players will need to travel 32 miles to get to the grove and then huff it back to reach the town of Thrance in time to save their friend.

NPCs of Note

Father Regnard- Pastor of the Sheltered Grove Abby

Regdal Darwyn- Former adventure buddy of the PCs

Dryad Wasinda- Local dryad who has a benevolent relationship with the town of Thrance

“Frank”- Intelligent Skeleton shaking down the Dryad Wasinda


Town Thrance – A small town map

Goblin Switchback Trail – A wooded trail map

Dryad’s Grove- A medium sized forest scene with a large tree at the center of the map.


Cleft Goblin Ambush


Skeleton Tree Loggers



200 GP each per PC

Minor items

Moon-Touched Shortsword (Rolled 94)[reroll]


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related