If I had to make this character I would do this:
Race: Custom Lineage + 2 to Cha, Size: Medium, Variable Trait: Darkvision 60′, Feat: Crusher (Con)
Stats (27 pts)
Str 13 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 12
Class Breakdown: Rogue 1/Fighter 5 (Rune Knight)
Callum Drift is the head of security for Santa Claus at the North Pole. Disillusioned by the increasing number of people on the Naughty List, he contemplates retirement after one last Christmas run. However, when Santa is kidnapped, Callum teams up with hacker Jack O’Malley to rescue him This build is of him dishing out pain and regret to those foes on the Naughty List for kidnapping Santa from the movie Red One.
Rogue is the first class for Callum, giving him a wide amount of skills, and extra damage when he catches a foe unprepared. Rogue gives him the proficiencies of athletics, acrobatics, investigation and perception, and expertise in athletics and perception, sneak attacks, and thieves’ cant.
Fighter is the main class for Callum, giving him enhanced durability from the d10 hit die, impressive combat potential with both his unarmed fighting style and Action Sure, and some self-healing. With Fighter he gains all armor and weapon proficiencies, Fighting Style: Unarmored Fighting, Second Wind, Action Surge, and Extra Attack.
Martial Archetype: Rune Knight grants him access to incredible height-altering powers and runes that enhance his durability and prowess in battle. Rune Knight gives him proficiencies in Smith’s tools, and the language Giant, Rune Carver: Cloud and Frost Rune, and Giant’s Might.
The feat of Crusher gifts him +1 to Con, once per turn when he deals bludgeoning damage he can move a foe 5 feet to an unoccupied space as long as they are no larger than one size category than himself, and when he scores a critical hit dealing bludgeoning damage that foe grants advantage to attack rolls against it until the start of Callum’s next turn.
The feat of Fey Touched gives him a +1 to Wis, the Misty Step and Speak with Animals spell that he can cast once per long rest.
The feat Scion of the Outer Planes (Lawful Outer Plane) grants him Damage Resistance to Force and the Cantrip of Guidance based on his Cha stat.
Background: Gate Warden grants Callum Drift the proficiencies of Persuasion and Survival, Arcana and Perception, Languages of Celestial and Infernal, and the Background Feature of Planar Infusion.
Equipment: Shortsword, Shortbow, and Quiver of 20 Arrows, 2 Daggers, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools, Burglar’s Pack, and Gate Warden Starting Equipment. Pick up Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Figurine of Wonderous Power (Ivory Goats) to represent Callum’s gear from Red One.
Scion of the Outer Planes (Lawful Outer Plane)
Fey Touched (Wis)
Misty Spell
Speak with Animals