If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Protector Aasimar (Legacy) + 2 to Cha +1 to Wis, Size: Medium, Darkvision 60′, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, Radiant Soul.

Stats (27 pts)

Str 11 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 11

Class Breakdown: Monk 5 (Way of the Open Hand)/Warlock 1 (The Undead)

Goku, the protagonist for most of Dragon Ball Z, is a Saiyan warrior known for his boundless energy, pure heart, and love of battle. Constantly pushing his limits, Goku trains relentlessly to protect Earth from powerful foes, mastering transformations like Super Saiyan to amplify his strength. Despite his incredible power, he remains humble, always seeking new challenges and valuing his friends and family above all else. This build of Goku is of him standing against Freiza on the planet Namek in Dragon Ball Z.

Monk is the main class for Goku, giving him his powerful martial arts ability and Ki harnassing techniques that make him a fighting genius. With Monk, he gains the proficiencies of Athletics, Insight and Pan Flute, Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Ki, Unarmored Movement and Deflect Missiles, Slow Fall, Extra Attack, and Stunning Strike.

Monastic Tradition: Way of the Open Hand represents his devastating combat potential, allowing him to further demolish his foes with his fearsome fighting spirit. Way of the Open Hand gives him Open Hand Technique which gives him the ability to knock foes prone with a dex save, push foes back 15 feet with a str save, or disable their ability to take reactions until the end of his next turn when he hits a foe with one of his Flurry of Blows attacks.

Warlock is the class that gifts him with his Ki blast attacks and abilities that mimic many of the defensive skills that Goku uses in his various battles. Warlock gives him Otherworldly Patron: The Undead, and Pact Magic.

Otherworldly Patron: The Undead mimics Goku’s Kaio-ken technique that was taught to him by King Kai, The Undead gives him Expanded Spell List and Form of Dread. Form of Dread gives him temp hit points, the ability to frighten a foe with a landed strike, and immunity to the frightened condition.

The feat of Rune Shaper gives Goku his potent Ki blast, like Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb. Rune Shaper gives him the spells Comprehend Languages and Rune Magic spells of Chromatic Orb (Spirit Bomb), Goodberry, and Thunderwave (Kamehameha).

The feat Strike of the Giants (Cloud Strike) grants Goku an extra 1d4 thunder damage on his melee weapon attacks and forces the target to make a Wis saving throw or become invisible to the creature until the start of his next turn or immediately after he makes an attack or cast a spell.

Background: Giant Foundling gives Goku the skill proficiencies of Intimidation and Survival, the languages of Giant and Elvish, and the Background Feature of Strike of the Giants.

Equipment: Quarterstaff, 10 Darts, an explorer’s pack, and Giant Foundling Starting Equipment


Rune Shaper (Cha)

Comprehend Languages


Thunderwave (Kamehameha)

Chromatic Orb (Spirit Bomb)



Eldritch Blast (Ki Blast)


1st Level

Hellish Rebuke












Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related


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