Daria Tomei (Crowd Control and Damage Melee Caster)

Race: Human +1 to Dex and Cha, Size: Medium, Feat: Dual Wielder, Skills: Survival.

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 8 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 15 (base stats)

Class Breakdown: Sorcerer 1 (Storm Sorcery)/Warlock 5 (The Fathomless)

Daria Tomei felt the most alive when she was on the sea, feeling empowered by the life that seemed to ebb and flow with each passing wave. When she finally became old enough she joined as the crew for the merchant ship called the Scotsdale. It was during her time on this ship that her powers manifested, giving her limited ability over the storms and waves. Daria enjoyed her life on the waves until their ship smashed into the shores of a mysterious mist-covered island. With that, the island changed and morphed into a mighty Kraken. Easily shredding the boat and its crew into kindling, Forced with either drowning or serving the mighty creature, Daria Tomei died that day. Reborn with a gift of power by the Kraken, Daria accepted its offer and now serves as the herald of the mighty titan. Dubbed the “Kraken’s Maw”, Daria seeks to further the agenda of her patron and garner more influence for the machinations of the mighty creature.

photo of thunderstorm
Photo by Rodrigo Souza on Pexels.com

Sorcerer of the Storm origin is the starting class for Daria, giving her the ability to maneuver around the battlefield when she unleashes her spells as well as being able to speak the languages of elementals. With Sorcerer she gets Proficiencies in Insight and Arcana, Spellcasting, Wind Speaker, and Tempestuous Magic.

Warlock is where she gains her ability to manipulate her battlefield, enabling her to control the movements of her foes and deal significant damage via melee or spellcasting with her pact spell slots and invocations. Warlock gives her Pact Magic, Eldrich Invocations of Repelling Blast, Improved Pact Weapon, and Thirsting Blade. And Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade.

Otherworldly Patron The Fathomless represents her offer of power from her Kraken patron becoming the “Kraken’s Maw” with the gift of storm-based spells, the ability to thrive in the depths of the oceans, and the ability to summon a part of her patron’s power to attack foes with a spectral tentacle. The Fathomless gives her Expanded Spell List, Tentacle of the Deeps, and Gift of the Sea.

Dual Wielder gives Daria a +1 bonus to her AC when wielding a one-handed weapon in each hand, the ability to use non-light weapons with their two-weapon fighting ability, and the skill to draw or stow 2 weapons at the same time.

Sentinel gives her the ability to reduce a foe’s speed to 0 when she lands an opportunity attack, the ability to launch opportunity attacks even if a foe uses the Disengage action, and can launch a reaction melee attack on a foe if they attack another target with 5 feet of Daria.

jellyfish illustration
Photo by Oday Hazeem on Pexels.com

Background: Sailor gives her the skills of Athletics and Perception, Tool Proficiencies of Navigator’s Tools, Vehicles (Water), and the Background Feature of the Ship’s Passage.

Equipment: Boomerang, 2 Daggers, Arcane Staff an Explorer’s Pack, and Sailor Starting Equipment.





Acid Splash


Shape Water

Shocking Grasp

1st Levek

Mage Armor




Booming Blade

Eldritch Blast

Lighting Lure

1st Level

Armor of Agathys

Arms of Hadar

2nd Level

Cloud of Daggers

Spider Climb

3rd Level

Lighting Bolt

Spirit Shroud










Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related