Dr. Stylish is a gifted mad scientist with a flair for the dramatic, creating some of the most ingenious weapons of destruction for the empire. He is known for his incredible creation of powerful upgrades for Seryu and Koro, mutating humans with danger-beast enhancements and devising a powerful poison capable of taking down most of Night Raid. Armed with his Teigu: Perfector, Dr. Stylish’s speed and dexterity in his hands increase immensely, allowing him to heal almost any injury and enhance his minions with incredible abilities. This build of Dr. Stylish is of him creating weapons of mass destruction with the superior style and panache that only the great doctor of the Empire can bring to bear.

Dr. Stylish Stats

Str 8 Dex 13 Con 10 Int 15 Wis 14 Cha 12 (27 point buy)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 17 Wis 14 Cha 12 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Artificer 6(Alchemist)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Stylish Armaments and Enhancements.
  2. Skilled Hands, Save Lives.
  3. Secret Inventions on Tap.


For Background, I chose Rune Carver for Dr Stylish. He gains the skills of History and Perception, the Language Giant, Tool Proficiency of Jeweler’s Tools, and the Background Feature of Rune Shaper.


For Race, I chose Variant Human for Dr. Stylish. With this race, he gains + 1 to Int and Dex, Skills: Medicine, and Feat: Poisoner.


Dr. Stylish’s class breakdown is Artificer 6 (Alchemist). It is with this class, that Dr Stylish gains access to creating powerful tools and elixirs that enhance the abilities of whoever uses them, a myriad of skills used to craft and experimental elixirs to further challenge his talents. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Artificer 1 is the starting class for Dr. Stylish. This class gives him the proficiencies of Arcana, Sleight of Hand and Leatherworker’s Tools, Magical Tinkering, and Spellcasting.

Artificer 2 is where he gains his first bursts of inspiration come through in the form of Artificer Infusions. At this level, he gains Infuse Item and Artificer Infusions: Replicate Magic Item-Prosthetic Limb, Repeating Shot, Replicate Magic Item: Bag of Holding and Armor of Magical Strength.

Artificer 3 grants Dr. Stylish his incredible skills in creating powerful elixirs and spells that further enhance his repertoire for creating stronger minions with the Artificer Specialist: Alchemist and The Right Tool for the Job. Alchemist gives him Tool Proficiency: Alchemist’s Tools, Alchemist’s Spells: Healing Word and Ray of Sickness, and Experimental Elixir.

Artificer 4 gifts him with the feat Shadow Touched: Cha. This feat gives him a +1 to her Cha stat, and the spells Invisibility and Disguise Self.

Artificer 5 is the level where Dr. Sylish’s intellect begins to dazzle those around him with the feature Alchemical Savant and access to 2nd-level spells. Alchemical Savant allows him to use his alchemist supplies as a spellcasting focus. Which in turn gives him a bonus die to roll to either restore hit points or deal damage from one of his spells.

Artificer 6 is the last level for Dr. Stylish giving him more infusions to create stronger items with as well as an increased skill when using any tool proficiencies. At this level, he gains Spell-Refueling Ring and Replicate Magic Item-Spellwrought Tattoo, 1st level and Tool Expertise.

With full use of Dr Stylish’s powers, he can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:

  • Incredible Intelligence
    • Poison Creator- Poisoner Feat + Multiple spells poison spells + Experimental Elixir + Rune Carver
    • Bio-Engineer- Medicine skill + Healing and Enhancement spells + Experimental Elixir + Rune Carver

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Dr. Stylish a dazzling conflagration of ingenuity capable of creating arms and armies out of the ashes of lesser beings to aid the empire in its victories in Six levels or Less.


Shadow Touched (Cha)


False Life

Rune Shaper (Int)

Burning Hands

Inflict Wounds





Poison Spray

1st Level


False Life

Healing Word

Ray of Sickness

Tasha’s Caustic Brew

2nd Level

Acid Arrow


Enhance Ability

Flaming Sphere

Kinetic Jaunt

Melf’s Acid Arrow


Standard Artificer equipment with Studded Leather Armor, Dagger, Mace, Light Crossbow and 20 bolts, Thieves’ Tools, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and Rune Carver Starting Equipment with Alchemist’s Supplies. To represent his Teigu: Perfector pick up the Gloves of Soul Catching.

Shout out to https://akamegakill.fandom.com/wiki/Akame_Ga_Kill!_Wiki for their incredible information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. The next character will be the kind-hearted, small-town, sailor of fathomless fury, Wave. Until later Tale-Tellers!









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related