If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Custom Lineage +2 to Wis, Size: Medium, Feat: Slasher +1 to Str, Variable Trait: Proficiency-Perception.

Stats (27 pts)

Str 15 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 11 Cha 9

Class Breakdown: Fighter 6 (Battle Master)

Sylpha Langlis is the personal maid and swordsmanship teacher for Prince Lloyd de Saloum, the seventh in line to the throne. Known as the adventure “Silver Blader” she was a demon of destruction, tearing through multiple dungeons in her path before vanishing from the spotlight. Now, she is personal bodyguard and teacher to Prince Lloyd, always keeping tabs on her young pupil as he grows into the ideal powerhouse of her dreams. This build is of her slaying multiple creatures with the shining steel of her swordsmanship.

Fighter is the main class for Sylpha, giving her a strong fighting ability, multiple attacks in a round, and durability to withstand the rigors of dungeon runs. With Fighter she gains the proficiencies of Athletics and Insight, Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting, Second Wind, Action Surge, and Extra Attack.

Martial Archetype: Battle Master grants her increased defensive skills, the ability to manipulate the movement of her foes, and the capability to carve through opponents with ease. Battle Master gives her Combat Superiority Dices of 4d6 to fuel her maneuvers, Student of War: Smith’s Tools, Maneuvers: Parry, Sweeping Attack, and Maneuvering Attack.

The feat of Slasher gives her a +1 to her Str, reduces the speed of a foe by 10 feet when damaged by a slashing weapon once per round, and inflicts disadvantage on all attacks when she scores a critical hit.

The feat of Dual Wielder gives Sylpha +1 to her AC when wielding separate weapons in each hand, using 1 handed weapons in each hand that aren’t light, and the ability to draw or stow two one-handed weapons at the same time.

The feat of Fey Touched (Wis) increases her Wisdom score by 1 and gives her the spells of Misty Step and Silvery Barbs to cast once per long rest.

The feat of Strike of the Giants (Hill Giant) gives her the ability to strike a foe with an extra 1d6 weapon type damage and if the foe fails a strength saving throw she can inflict the prone condition on her foe.

Background: Giant Foundling gives Sylpha the skill proficiencies of Intimidation and Survival, the Languages of Giant and Infernal, and the Background Feature of Strike of the Giants.

Equipment: Chain Mail, 2 Longswords, light crossbow, 20 bolts, a dungeoneer’s pack, and Giant Foundling Starting Equipment.


Fey Touched (Wis)

Silvery Barbs

Misty Step








Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related