Mine is a major female protagonist in Akame Ga Kill! anime series. Her appearance is a petite feminine build with a unique clothing taste of vibrant pinks including the ribbons in her hair and laces of her shoes coupled with her black tights. She is a genius sniper gifted with nerves of steel and a razor-sharp tongue that she uses to strike out at people in a tsundere tone. She grew up being mocked and harassed by citizens of the empire due to her half-foreign blood, and now she seeks to bring down the empire so no one ever suffers the abuse she had to endure. This build of Mine is of her obliterating her foes at any range during her battles in the series.

Mine Stats

Str 8 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 8 (27-point buy)

Str 8 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 8 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Artificer 5(Artillerist)/Fighter 1

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Genius Sniper Action.
  2. Run and Gun Fighting.
  3. Close Quarters Combatant.


For Background, I chose Far Traveler for Mine. She gains the skills of Insight and Acrobatics, Tool Proficiencies of Flute the Language of Undercommon, and the Background Feature of All Eyes on You. This represents Mine’s life before joining the revolutionary army since she is half-foreign-blooded from the westernmost portion of the nation.


For Race, I chose Custom Lineage for Mine. With this race, she gains + 2 to Dex, Feat: Sharpshooter, and Variable Trait: Darkvision 60′.


Mine’s class breakdown is Artificer 5 (Artillerist)/Monk 1. It is with these classes, that Mine gains access to powerful blasts from her artillery piece, dead-eye marksmanship capable of putting down any target in her cross-hairs, and defensive abilities to keep her danger close when the mission demands it of her. This build represents her “genius marksmanship” that she brings to every battle she finds herself in against the enemies of Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate her abilities and talents at this level.

Artificer 1 is the starting class for Mine. This class gives her the proficiencies of Perception, History and Smith’s Tools, Magical Tinkering, and Spellcasting.

Artificer 2 is where she gains access to creating magical devices that enhance her fighting potential and mimic some of the attachments of Pumpkin. She gains Infuse Item and Artificer Infusions of Repeating Shot, Replicate Magic Item: Clothes of Mending, Enhanced Weapon, and Enhanced Arcane Focus

Artificer 3 grants Mine with a powerful ranged subclass that mimics the full might of Pumpkin with the Artificer Specialist: Artillerist and The Right Tool for the Job. This subclass is where she picks up the features of Tool Proficiency: Woodcarver’s Tools, Artillerist Spells, and Eldritch Cannon.

Artificer 4 gifts Mine with the feat Spell Sniper. This feat gives her a doubled spell range for any spell that requires an attack roll, ignores half cover and three-quarters cover, and the cantrip of Ray of Frost from the Wizard spell list.

Artificer 5 is the level where Mine gains Arcane Firearm. This allows her to carve a wand, staff, or rod into a destructive arcane focus that does extra damage of a d8 when she uses an artificer’s spell through it.

Monk 1 is the final level for Mine. With Monk, she gains Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

With full use of Mine’s powers, she can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:

  • Roman Artillery: Pumpkin-
    • Sniper- Arcane Firearm Feature + Spell Sniper feat + Fire Bolt/Ray of Frost spell or Sharpshooter feat + Vicious Laser Rifle
    • Machine Gun- Arcane Firearm Feature + Scorching Ray spell + Eldritch Cannon (Force Ballista in tiny form with legs riding on shoulder)
    • High Output Blast Blade- Arcane Firearm Feature + Spell Sniper + Shatter Spell + Eldritch Cannon (Force Ballista or Flamethrower in tiny form with legs riding on shoulder)
  • Adept at Hand to Hand- Monk Arts feature

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Mine a masterful marksman of unparalleled skill putting everything on the line for the greatest shot at slaying her foes in Six levels or Less.


Spell Sniper (Wizard)

Ray of Frost



Fire Bolt


1st Level

Absorb Elements

Cure Wounds


Tasha’s Caustic Brew


2nd Level

Kinetic Jaunt

Scorching Ray



Standard Artificer equipment with Dagger, Boomerang Light Crossbow and 20 bolts, Studded Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and Far Traveler Starting Equipment. No real need for an extra weapon but if you want a powerful blaster to replace the crossbow pick up a Viscious Laser Rifle if allowed.

Shout out to https://akamegakill.fandom.com/wiki/Akame_Ga_Kill!_Wiki for their incredible information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. The next character will be the easy-going lover of the female form, Lubbock the spymaster of Night Raid. Until later Tale-Tellers!









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related