Sheele is a major female protagonist in Akame Ga Kill! anime series. She is known for being an airhead clutz with a heart of gold for her friends and a soul of ice against her enemies. Beneath her slender but curvy frame laid the incredible strength of a natural-born killer, capable of dispatching multiple opponents with ease. She was often the partner of Mine and spent most of her time keeping her protected while out in the field. This build of Sheele is of her slashing her enemies to ribbons through most of her battles in the series.

Sheele Stats

Str 13 Dex 12 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 12 (27-point buy)

Str 14 Dex 13 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 12 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Barbarian 5(Path of the Zealot)/Cleric 1(Light Domain)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Close Quarter’s Slasher
  2. Hard to Kill Killer.
  3. Blinding Lights.


For Background, I chose Criminal for Sheele. She gains the skills of Deception and Stealth, Tool Proficiencies of Dice Set and Thieves’ Tools, and the Background Feature of Criminal Contact.


For Race, I chose Variant Human for Sheele. With this race, she gains + 1 to Dex and Con, Skills: Perception, Feat: Slasher +1 to Str


Sheele’s class breakdown is Barbarian 5 (Path of the Zealot)/Cleric 1 (Light Domain). With these classes, Sheele gains access to devastating slashing damage, incredible resiliency against damage, and strong battlefield movement to get to her target. This build represents her fighting prowess as a natural-born killer, using her skills to take out enemies and protect friends of Night Raid. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate her abilities and talents at this level.

Barbarian 1 is the starting class for Sheele. This class gives her the proficiencies of Athletics, Survival, Rage, and Unarmored Defense.

Barbarian 2 is where she gains Reckless Attack and Danger Sense.

Barbarian 3 gives her access to the Primal Path of the Zealot, giving her the incredible durability and zeal that keeps her in the fight long after lesser fighters would have perished. Path of the Zealot gifts her the features of Divine Fury: Radiant and Warriors of the Gods, giving her extra damage with radiant damage and the ability to be brought back to life without the need for material components.

Barbarian 4 gifts Sheele with the feat Great Weapon Master. This feat gives her the ability to gain an extra attack as a bonus action if she lands a critical as well as take a -5 penalty for a +10 bonus to damage.

Barbarian 5 grants her the features of Extra Attack and Fast Movement.

Cleric 1 is the last level for Sheele with the Light Domain. With this class, she gains the features of Spellcasting Bonus Cantrip of Light and Warding Flare. Warding flare is the key feature here since it mimics the blind light ability of her Teigu Extase.

With full use of Sheele’s powers, she can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:

  • Extase- Greatsword of Sharpness + Divine Fury + Warding Flare + Light spell

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Sheele a ravishing beauty harbinger of slaughter to any foe unlucky enough to stand in the way of Night Raid’s quest for a peaceful world in Six levels or Less.








1st Level

Burning Hands

Faerie Fire

Healing Word

Shield of Faith


Standard Barbarian equipment with Greatsword, 2 Handaxes, an Explorer’s Pack, and 4 Javelins as well as Criminal starting equipment. Pick up a Greatsword of Sharpness to represent Cutter of Creation-Extase.

Shout out to!_Wiki for their incredible information in making this amazing character and DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. The next character will be the Ostentatious Sniper of Primrose, Mine. Until later Tale-Tellers!









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related