If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Custom Lineage +2 to Cha, Size: Small, Feat: Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Cha), Variable Trait: Darkvision 60′

Stats (27 pts)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 15

Class Breakdown: Sorcerer 6 (Aberrant Mind)

Morino Korisu is a recent member of the evil organization of Enormeeta. She joined the organization of her own accord due to the cuteness of Venalita. Going under the name of Nero Alice, hers is the power to entrap and control those trapped in her area of control in the form of a Dollhouse. She also has the power to manipulate her toys to grow in size and attack her foes. Morino is always calm and aloof, often being able to communicate her desires through her movements and eye contact. Gifted with a powerful ability her weakness comes with her limited time to use said ability, often growing exhausted if her ability is used for an extended length of time. Nero Alice is a powerhouse manipulator with the capability of entombing any foe in a labyrinth of her desires.

Sorcerer is the base for her magical girl abilities, allowing great power from spell selections and the ability to manipulate those spells with metamagic features. With Sorcerer she gains proficiencies of Insight and Persuasion, Spellcasting, Font of Magic, and Metamagic of Twinned and Heightened Spell.

Sorcerous Origin: Aberrant Mind is where Morino gains a greater suit of her abilities as well as being able to communicate without speaking. Aberrant Mind gives her Psionic Spells, Telepathic Speech, Psionic Sorcery, and Psychic Defenses.

The feat of Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Cha) grants her the ability to heal an ally with the cure wounds spell as well as protect an ally with AC increasing protective wings if they’re within 5 feet of Nero Alice.

The feat of Actor increases Nero Alice’s Cha by +1, advantage on Deception and Performance checks to pass herself off as another person, and the ability to mimic the speech of another person or sounds of a creature.

Background: Faceless gives her Deception and Intimidation, Tool Proficiency: Disguise Kit, the Language of Infernal, and the Background Feature of Dual Personalities. This represents the ability of magical girls to be unrecognizable when in their personas.

Equipment: Mace, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, an explorer’s pack, and Faceless Starting Resources.


Gift of the Metallic Dragon

Cure Wounds



Fire Bolt



Minor Illusion


1st Level

Charm Person

Silvery Barbs


2nd Level

Hold Person

Nathair’s Mischief

Phantasmal Force

3rd Level

Hypnotic Pattern











Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related