If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Firbolg +2 to Str and +1 to Wis, Size: Medium, Firbolg Magic, Hidden Step, Powerful Build and Speech of Beast and Leaf

Stats (27 pts)

Str 15 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 11 Cha 9

Class Breakdown: Barbarian 5 (Path of the Giant)/Fighter 1

Shushu Suruga is a member of the Anti Demon Corps 7th unit. She is the fun-loving, rough-and-tumble gamer who possesses the peach power to increase or decrease any parts of her body. Now she splits her time teasing Yuuki, playing video games, and crushing Shuuki’s with the full might of a rampaging kaiju.

Barbarian is the starting class for Shushu’s path to incredible durability and powerful damage. With Barbarian she gains proficiencies in Athletics and Intimidation, Rage, Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, Extra Attack, and Fast Movement.

Primal Path: Path of the Giant is where Shushu gains her peach abilities to control her size, allowing her to unleash immense damage upon her foes. Path of the Giant gives her Giant’s Power with the language of Giant and Thaumaturgy as the cantrip, as well as Giant’s Havoc. With Giant’s Havoc, she can add her rage damage bonus to her attack’s damage and increase her reach by 5 feet when she grows to the size of large.

Fighter enhances her unarmed fighting damage and gives her some self-healing as well. With Fighter she gains Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting and Second Wind.

The feat of Tavern Brawler gives Shushu a +1 to her Str, proficiency with improvised weapons, the unarmed strike damage of d4, and the ability to grapple a foe as a bonus action after she strikes a foe with an unarmed strike or improvised weapon.

Background: Knight of the Order gives her Persuasion, Arcana, and Tool Proficiency: Playing Card Set, the language of Infernal, and the Background Feature of Knightly Regard.

Equipment: Maul, 2 Handaxes, 4 Javelins, an explorer’s pack, and Knight of the Order Starting Equipment.



Detect Magic

Disguise Self












Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related