Santa Claus-P (Plasmoid of Giving)

Race: Plasmoid +2 to Wis and +1 to Dex, Size: Medium, Amorphous, Darkvison 60′, Hold Breath, Natural Resilience, Shape Self.

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 8 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 15 Cha 12 (base stats)

Class Breakdown: Druid 6 (Circle of the Shepherd)

Santa Claus-P was a young plasmoid who grew up watching vids about a jolly stout soul with a giant beard and a hearty laugh gifting toys and bringing joy to children throughout the world. Inspired by this Santa Claus, the plasmoid took up the mantle and changed their name to Santa Claus-P. Now, every year the Plasmoid of Giving flies about in their sleigh pulled by robot reindeer gifting toys and joy to all of the children throughout each crystal sphere they travel to.

Druid is where Santa Claus-P garners their powers for traveling and summoning creatures to help deliver toys and defeat foes who try to stop their mission. With Druid, they gain proficiencies in Insight and Perception, Druidic language, Spellcasting, Wild Shape, and Wild Shape Improvement.

Druidic Circle of the Shepherd strengthens Santa Claus-P’s ability to enhance their summons and heal their allies with the power of joy. Circle of the Shepherd gifts Santa Claus-P Speech of the Woods, Spirit Totem, and Mighty Summoner.

The feat Shadow Touched (Wis) gives Santa Claus-P a +1 to Wis and the invisibility and color spray spells.

Background: Entertainer gives Santa Claus-P the skills of Acrobatics and Persuasion, Tool Proficiencies of Disguise Kit and Hand Drum, and the Background Feature of Popular Demand.

Equipment: Wooden Shield, Quarterstaff, Leather armor, an explorer’s pack, a sprig of mistletoe, and entertainer’s starting equipment. Pick up a Portable Hole and a Bag of Holding to help carry all of the gifts to deliver.


Shadow Touched (Wis)


Color Spray




Produce Flame


1st Level

Charm Person




2nd Level

Lesser Restoration

Pass without Trace

Summon Beast

3rd Level

Conjure Animals

Sleet Storm

Summon Fey









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related