Leone is a major female protagonist in Akame Ga Kill! anime series. Known for her gregarious nature and curvaceous figure, Leone is adept at gathering information and stealth using all of her charms to complete her goals in the service of Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army. While kind and devoted to her friends and allies she is equally savage and ruthless to whatever foe stands in her way, tending to spend more time than necessary in fighting just to enjoy the experience for a little longer. With her Teigu called Lionel she is capable of becoming more lioness-like, gaining feline features as well as enhanced strength, durability, and healing properties. This build of Leone is of her clawing her way through most battles in the series.

Leone Stats

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 12 (27-point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 12 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Rogue 1/Barbarian 5(Path of the Beast)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Claws, Tails, and Teeth Brought to Bear.
  2. Tough As Nails, Regenerative Health.
  3. Contacts that lead to Crushing Foes.


For Background, I chose Criminal for Leone. She gains the skills of Deception and Stealth, Tool Proficiencies of Dice Set and Disguise Kit, and the Background Feature of Criminal Contact. This represents Leone’s ability to gather information and make contacts among those being mistreated by the empire.


For Race, I chose Custom Lineage for Leone but Swiftstride Shifter would also work as well. With this race, she gains + 2 to Str, Size: Medium, Feat: Tavern Brawler, and Variable Trait: Darkvision 60′.


Leone’s class breakdown is Rogue 1/Barbarian 5 (Path of the Beast). It is with these classes, that Leone gains access to a variety of skills, a massive pool of hit points, impressive mobility, a fearsome fighting style enhanced by the powers of the wild, and incredible durability with the ability to heal through a fight. This build represents her fighting prowess as a battle-hardened veteran of Night Raid. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate her abilities and talents at this level.

Rogue 1 is the starting class for Leone. This class gives her the proficiencies of Investigation, Insight, Perception and Athletics, Expertise in Stealth and Investigation, Sneak Attack, and Thieves’ Cant.

Barbarian 1 is where she gains access to defensive abilities, her toughness, and her lust for battle. She gains Unarmored Defense and Rage.

Barbarian 2 gives her access to Reckless Attack and Danger Sense. Now she can gain advantage on an attack at the cost of giving her foe an equal chance of hitting her. Danger Sense represents her sixth sense ability to keep ahead of danger.

Barbarian 3 garners Leone access to the Primal Path of the Beast. This Path is where she picks up the feature Form of the Beast, which gives her the ability to manifest a Bite, Claws, or a Tail each time she rages. This represents her Teigu: Lionel transforming her into a lethal killing machine.

Barbarian 4 gifts Leone with the feat Crusher. This feat gives her a +1 to her Con, the ability to move a foe 5 ‘ when she deals bludgeoning damage to a foe once per round, and the ability to attack a foe with advantage if she lands a critical on a foe.

Barbarian 5 is the final level for Leone with the features of Extra Attack and Fast Movement.

With full use of Leone’s powers, she can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:

  • Lionel- Form of the Beast: Claws or Tail + Extra Attack + Crusher + Tavern Brawler
  • Regeneration- Form of the Beast: Bite
  • Sixth Sense- Danger Sense

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Leone a ferocious feline of fiery fury crushing any foe standing in the way of a better tomorrow in Six levels or Less.




Standard Rogue equipment with Shortsword, Shortbow, and 20 arrows, Burglar’s pack, Leather Armor 2 Daggers, Thieves’ Tools with Criminal Starting Equipment. To enhance her Teigu, Lionel, pick up an Eldritch Claw Tattoo to enhance her unarmed attacks from Tavern Brawler.

Shout out to https://akamegakill.fandom.com/wiki/Akame_Ga_Kill!_Wiki for their incredible information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. The next character will be the righteous sword of slaying Tatsumi. Until later Tale-Tellers!









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related