Allistar Vidris (Telekinetic Master)

Race: Changeling + 1 to Dex, +2 to Int, Size: Medium, Changeling Instincts: Deception and Insight, Shapechanger

Stats (27-point buy)

Str 8 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 10 (base stats)

Str 8 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 10 (racial and feat adjustment)

Class Breakdown: Fighter 6 (Psi Warrior)

Allistar Vidris has always been a changeling on a mission. Born with incredible intellect, quickened reflexes, and practiced guile, Allistar used his talents to make a name for himself as an underground problem solver for wealthy elites. It wasn’t until he unlocked his psionic abilities that he was finally able to garner renown for himself. Now, Allistar Vidris is a name that drips off of the name of the elite with both fear and reverence.

Fighter is where Allistar gains his fearsome fighting techniques. With Fighter he gains the skills of Acrobatics and Perception, Fighting Style: Dueling, Second Wind, Action Surge, and Extra Attack.

Martial Archetype: Psi Warrior gives Allistar the feature of Psionic Power. It is with this feature that he gains Protective Field, Psionic Strike, and Telekinetic Movement all while using a d8 as the dice pool.

The feat Telekinetic garners him +1 to Int, the cantrip of mage hand, and the ability to telekinetically shove a foe as a bonus action.

The feat Magic Initiate Wizard grants him the cantrips of Sword Burst and Booming Blade with the 1st level spell of Mage Armor.

Background: Criminal gives Allistar the skills of Stealth and Investigation, Tool Proficiencies of Thieves’ Tools and Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Criminal Contact.

Equipment: Rapier, 2 handaxes, a longbow and 20 arrows, leather armor, and a set of common clothes.



Mage Hand

Magic Initiate: Wizard


Booming Blade

Sword Burst

1st Level

Mage Armor






Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related


Eulalia Poff · August 11, 2023 at 8:35 pm

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    taliopharo1 · August 14, 2023 at 11:28 pm

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