Tessa Kis (Arcane Investigator)

Race: Changeling + 1 to Dex, +2 to Cha, Size: Medium, Creature Type: Fey, Changeling Instincts: Persuasion and Deception, Shapechanger.

Stats (27-point buy)

Str 9 Dex 13 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 15 (base stats)

Str 9 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 18 (racial and feat adjustment)

Class Breakdown: Rogue 1/ Warlock 5 (The Genie)

Tessa Kis was once a plucky halfling investigator named Belora Keenfeet from the town of Waterdeep. It was her personal mission to seek out the truth behind the mysterious arcane monsters that plagued the shadowed places of the city. Her life changed drastically when she chased down a lead to a crazed arcanist attempting to utilize a broken artifact. The resulting explosion caused a massive magical rift that left the arcanist dead, released shadowed creatures upon the countryside, and Tessa transformed into a changeling. Amongst the few things that survived the explosion, an ornate small ring found its way onto her finger. It was with this ring that the newly minted warlock was charged with preventing the released monsters from destroying the realm.

Rogue is where Tessa picks up her initial skills as a private investigator before her life changed drastically. With Rogue, she gains the skills of Acrobatics, Insight, Stealth and Perception, Expertise in Deception and Investigation, Sneak Attack, and Thieves’ Cant.

Warlock is where Tessa gains her abilities and her versatile servant Kassidi the imp. With Warlock, she gains Pact Magic, Eldritch Invocations of One with Shadows, Investments of the Chain Master and Voice of the Chain Master, and the Pact Poon of Pact of the Chain.

Otherworldly Patron The Genie: Djinni gives her Expanded Spell List, Genie’s Vessel with the added features of Bottled Respite and Genie’s Wrath.

The feat Shadow Touched gives Tessa +1 to her Cha, and the spells of Invisibility and Inflict Wounds.

Background: Investigator gives Tessa Investigation and Arcana, Tool Proficiencies of Disguise Kit and Alchemist’s Supplies, and the Background Feature of Official Inquiry.

Equipment: Rapier, Shortsword, a burglar’s pack, leather armor, two daggers and thieves’ tools, a magnifying glass, and common clothes.



Shadow Touched


Inflict Wounds



Eldritch Blast



1st Level

Armor of Agathys

2nd Level

Crown of Madness


Phantasmal Force

3rd Level

Enemies Abound

Summon Fey







Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related