Okara is the Future Warrior summoned by Time Patrol Trunks to assist in restoring the timeline for the Dragon Ball Universe. She is a Saiyan Warrior who relishes the chance to not only test her skills in combat against legendary fighters but to also lend a hand in protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

Okara (DBZ Saiyan Fighter)

Race: Aasimar + 1 to Str, Dex, and Wis Size: Medium, Celestial Resistance, Darkvision, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, and Celestial Revelation: Radiant Soul.

Stats (27-point buy)

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 15 Cha 10 (base stats)

Str 11 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 10 (racial and feat adjustment)

Background Faction Agent, Skills Proficiencies: Athletics and Perception, Languages: Celestial and Draconic, and Background Feature: Safe Haven.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with Cleric1 (Tempest Domain)/Monk 5 (Radiant Soul). With these classes, she becomes a powerful melee fighter with exceptional range damage options from both features and spells. Coupled with her racial abilities, Okara becomes a mobile dynamo with incredibly enhanced radiant damage potential.

Cleric 1 is the beginning of Okara’s journey with the skills of Insight and Persuasion, the features of Spellcasting, Bonus Proficiencies of Martial Weapons and Heavy Armor, and Wrath of the Storm.

Monk 1 is where she picks up the features of Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 grants her Ki and Unarmored Movement.

Monk 3 gives her the Monastic Tradition: Way of the Sun Soul and Deflect Missiles. Way of the Sun Soul is where she gains the feature of Radiant Sun Bolt, giving her ranged energy attack options for combat.

Monk 4 is the level that gives her the feat of Crusher and Slow Fall. Besides the Crusher abilities, she gains +1 to Con.

Monk 5 is the last level for Okara with the Extra Attack and Stunning Strike.







Sacred Flame

Word of Radiance

1st Level

Detect Evil and Good

Fog Cloud

Guiding Bolt

Healing Word

Shield of Faith



Standard Cleric equipment of Chain Mail, Shield, and Warhammer.

Character sheet from DND Beyond










Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related