Mare Bello Fiore, Untrustworthy Disciple of Nature, is the 6th-floor co-guardian of Nazarick alongside his sister Aura. He is a humanoid Dark Elf created by Bukubukuchagama to be demeanor and shy. He stutters when having discussions with others, wears female clothing, and is wholly submissive to his older sister Aura. This shy nature hides a devastatingly powerful spellcaster with impressive physical strength. Mare is capable of destroying whole areas on his own while buffing and supporting his allies with powerful buffs in combat. He is also responsible for manipulating the space around Naazarick in order to blend in the tomb with the surrounding countryside. Mare enjoys reading, sleeping, and tending to the 6th floor while his sister is out and about, but he will always report to her should he need to leave the floor for any reason. He seeks to do his utmost for Ainz and will do anything he can to ensure his master’s goals are tended to like the plants in his care.

Mare Stats

Str 12 Dex 13 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 15 Cha 10 (27 point buy)

Str 12 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 10 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Druid 6 (Circle of the Land: Grassland)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Area of Effects Destruction.
  2. Strong Enhancement Spells.
  3. Forceful Power of Nature.


For Background I chose Sage. He gains the Skills of Arcana and History, Languages of Celestial and Undercommon, and the Background Feature of Researcher. This represents his love for Books, spending a large amount of his time in the library of Naazarick.


For Race, I chose Eladrin: Summer. With this race he gains + 1 to Dex, Con and Wis, Eladrin Season: Summer, Creature Type: Fey, Size: Medium, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Fey Step Wisdom, Keen Senses, Trance: Poisoner’s Kit and Weaver’s Tools.


Mare’s class breakdown is one class, Druid 6 (Circle of the Land: Grassland). It is with this class that Mare gains access to incredible elemental attack spells that target multiple foes, strong buffing spells to enhance and protect his allies, and incredible movement abilities when moving through natural terrain. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Druid 1 is the starting class for Mare. This gives him the skills of Insight and Nature, Druidic Language, and Spellcasting.

Druid 2 is where he picks up Wild Shape, and the Druid Circle: Circle of the Land (Grassland). With Circle of the Land (Grassland) he gains the Bonus Cantrip: Druidcraft and Natural Recovery.

Druid 3 grants him access to the feature Circle Spells, granting him the spells of Invisibility and Pass without Trace.

Druid 4 is the next step in Mare’s progression with Wild Shape Improvement and the feat Magic Initiate (Sorcerer). With this feat, he gains the spells of Blade Ward, Message, and Shield.

Druid 5 is where he gains to 3rd-level spells and the circle spells of Daylight and Haste.

Druid 6 is the final level for Mare with the feature of Land’s Stride. With this feature, he can travel through nonmagical difficult terrain without it costing extra movement and gaining an advantage on saving throws against plants and magically created impediments.

With full use of Mare’s powers he can perform the following techniques via job features and abilities:

  • Earthquake– Erupting Earth/Earth Tremor Spell
  • Magic Shield– Shield Spell
  • Power of Gaia– Barkskin
  • Woodland Stride– Land’s Stride
  • Shadow of Yggdrasil– Shillelagh

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Mare Bello Fiore a powerful force of nature, capable of protecting his allies while decimating the enemies of the great tomb in Six levels or Less.




Create Bonfire


Mold Earth


1st Level

Earth Tremor

Healing Word

2nd Level


Enhance Ability

Gust of Wind


Pass without Trace

Spike Growth

Wither and Bloom

3rd Level


Erupting Earth


Plant Growth

Magic Initiate (Sorcerer)


Blade Ward


1st Level



Standard Druid equipment with Quarterstaff, Dagger, Leather Armor Sprig of Mistletoe, and Common Clothes. Eventually, pick up the Gloves of Soul Catching to represent Avarice and Generosity.

Shout out to and AniNews for their amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will continue with the floor guardians. That floor guardian is Demiurge of the 7th floor! Until later Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related