Strategic Siege Golem Gargantua is the 4th-floor guardian of Nazarick. It was a prize won by the guild and made the Floor Guardian. It is a powerful golem that lacks any free will, accepting its commands directly from Ainz. Despite its lack of intelligent thought it more than makes up for it with its fearsome power and its physical stats being greater than any of the floor guardians. Gargantua is the fearsome, mobile siege monster that unleashes devastating damage on any foe that stands before Nazarick.

Gargantua Stats

Str 15 Dex 12 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 8 (27 point buy)

Str 17 Dex 12 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 8 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Fighter 6 (Rune Knight)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Crushing Power. Overwhelming Strength
  2. Giant Steps in a Golem-esque package.
  3. Golem-like Intellect


For Background, I chose Soldier for Gargantua. It gains the Skill Proficiencies of Survival and Stealth, Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land) and Dice Set Religion, and the Background Feature of Military Rank.


For Race, I chose Warforged. With this race, it gains +2 to Con, and +1 to Str, Size of Medium with the max size modifier, Constructed Resilience, Sentry’s Rest, Integrated Protection. Specialized Design: Athletics and Mason’s Tools and the language of Celestial. The features of this race represent the massive frame and strength of a mighty golem that guards the massive lake on the 4th floor.


Gargantua’s class breakdown is one class, Fighter 6 (Rune Knight). With this class, Gargantua gains access to a strong, unarmed fighting style, multiple attacks with the ability to gain, even more, increasing its size to that of a giant, crushing blows, and the ability to bring destruction on any who would stand before it. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate its abilities and talents at this level.

Fighter 1 is the starting class for Gargantua. This gives it the skills of Intimidation and Perception, Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting and Second Wind.

Fighter 2 is where it picks up the coveted feature of Action Surge. This allows the mighty floor guardian to gain an additional action once per long rest.

Fighter 3 grants it access to the Martial Archetype of Rune Knight. This gives Gargantua the bonus proficiency of smith’s tools and the language of Giant, Rune Carver: Fire Rune and Cloud Rune, and Giant’s Might. Now it can increase its size and damage potential, gain extra powers both passive and active from runes, and additional skills from the bonus proficiencies gained from the Martial Archetype.

Fighter 4 is the next step in Gargantua’s progression. With this level, it gains the feat: Crusher. This feat grants it a +1 to Str, allows it to move a creature it bashes with bludgeoning damage to move a foe to an unoccupied space, and gives its allies an advantage on their attacks when it scores a critical hit.

Fighter 5 is where it gains Extra Attack.

Fighter 6 is the final level for Gargantua with the feat: Mage Slayer. This gives it the ability to gain a reaction attack against a foe casting magic near it, giving a foe disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on spells, and an advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of him.

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Gargantua a titanic, hulking monster punishing the enemies of his master with crushing power in Six levels or Less.




Standard Fighter equipment with Handaxes, Chain Mail, Maul, and Warhammer.


Shout out to for their excellent information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will continue with the floor guardians. That floor guardian is Cocytus of the 5th floor! Until later Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related