Victim is the 8th floor guardian of Nazarick. He is an angelic fetus with a courteous demeanor and is granted the task of giving his life for the protection of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Once he is slain a powerful debuffing magic takes effect, heavily debilitating a large force of invaders. This in turn buys precious time for the defenders of the tomb to deliver a crushing counterattack on the intruders. Victim is crucial to the defense Nazarick and death heralds the death knell to any who invade it.

Victim Stats

Str 13 Dex 13 Con 9 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 15 (27 point buy)

Str 13 Dex 13 Con 9 Int 11 Wis 14 Cha 17 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Barbarian 3 (Path of the Zealot)/ Bard 3 (College of Spirits)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Resurrection on the Cheap.
  2. Debuffing Groups to Death.
  3. One Angelic-Fetus Army.


For Background, I chose Acolyte for Victim. He gains the Skill Proficiencies of Religion and Persuasion, the languages of Abyssal and Undercommon, and the Background Feature of Shelter of the Faithful.


For Race, I chose Fairy. With this race, he gains +2 to Cha, +1 to Int, Size of small, Fairy Magic (Cha), and Flight. The key features for this race are Flight and Size of Small. This helps represent Victims’ small frame and ability to fly.


Victim’s class breakdown is a mixture of two classes, Barbarian 3 (Path of the Zealot)/Bard 3 (College of Spirits). It is with these classes that Victim gains access to being revived on the cheap, radiant energy attacks, a host of debilitating debuffs from spells and features, and skills in order to assist the needs of Ainz Ooal Gown. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Barbarian 1 is the starting class for Victim. This gives him the skills of Survival and Perception, Rage, and Unarmored Defense.

Barbarian 2 is where he picks up Reckless Attack and Danger Sense. Danger Sense is the key feature for this level since it gives Victim an advantage on Dexterity saving throws against traps and spells.

Barbarian 3 grants him access to the Primal Path of the Zealot. This gives Victim Divine Fury: Radiant and Warrior of the Gods. Now he can dish out a little bit of extra radiant damage while being able to be brought back to life without the need for costly material components.

Bard 1 is the next step in Victim’s progression. With this level, he gains the proficiencies of Lyre and Insight, Spellcasting, and Bardic Inspiration.

Bard 2 is where he gains Jack of All Trades and Song of Rest. Jack of All Trades gives Victim a chance to roll on ability checks that he doesn’t already have a proficiency bonus.

Bard 3 is the final level for Victim with Expertise in Insight and Perception and the Bard College of Spirits. With College of Spirits, he gains Guiding Whispers, Spiritual Focus, and Tales from Beyond. Guiding Whispers gives Victim the guidance cantrip at a distance of 60 feet. The key feature of Tales from Beyond allows various buffs and debuffs to target allies or enemies depending on the roll.

For Victim’s main function of dying and releasing a powerful debuff, I went with a level 5 spell tattoo of Contingency: Evard’s Black Tentacles with the condition being his death. This unleashes a powerful movement debuff that can slow down and damage multiple opponents in its wake.

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Victim a devastating disabler of despicable invaders whose martyrdom marks the end for any foe in Six levels or Less.


Fairy Magic

Faerie Fire






Vicious Mockery

1st Level


Silvery Barbs


2nd Level

Calm Emotions

Nathair’s Mischief

Warding Wind


Standard Barbarian equipment with Handaxes Javelin and a Maul. Sell what you do not need and get your hands on a level 5 spell tattoo of contingency: Evard’s Black Tentacles the first thing you can.

Shout out to for their amazing information in making this amazing character and DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will continue with the floor guardians. That floor guardian is Gargantua of the 4th floor! Until next week Tale-Tellers!

#Overlord #Victim #DNDBEYOND


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related