Momo is a major supporting character of Virgin Road and an apprentice to Executioner Flarette of the Faust Church. She holds her senior up as a model for Executioners and has deep care and infatuation for Menou. Momo is a studious, steadfast, and meritorious investigator for Flarette, often performing dirtier jobs while Menou is having to watch over the immortal lost one known as Akari. Momo also has a frenemy in Princess Ashuna Grisarika, having multiple run-ins with her. She is a prodigy when it comes to combat, exhibiting a truly monstrous etheric capacity, allowing her to defeat powerful summons single-handedly. Momo’s fighting style consists of a whip-like weapon called a jigsaw that she uses to slice and bind her foes while dealing significant damage with her unarmed fighting prowess.

Momo Stats

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 8 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 8 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Barbarian 5 (Path of the Zealot)/Cleric 1 (Arcane Domain)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Intimidating Investigator.
  2. Crushing Fisticuffs for Love.
  3. Jigsaw Whip Mastery.


For Background, I chose Investigator for Momo. She gains the Skill Proficiencies of Investigation and Perception, Tool Proficiency of Disguise Kit and Thieves’ Tools, and the Background Feature of Official Inquiry. This represents her hardworking nature and skills in doing the leg work for Executioner Menou’s investigations.


For Race, I chose Variant Human. With this race, she gains +1 to Str and Wis, Feat: Fighting Initiate-Unarmed Fighting, and Skills: Stealth.


Momo’s class breakdown is a mixture of two classes, Barbarian 5 (Path of Zealot )/Cleric 1 (Arcana Domain). With these classes, she gains access to incredible martial abilities supplemented with radiant damage, useful spells that assist her in dealing with the dirtier aspects of her job, overwhelming strength and defenses when enraged, and knowledge of Arcana. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate her abilities and talents at this level.

Barbarian 1 is the starting class for Momo. This gives her the skills of Intimidation and Athletics, Rage, and Unarmored Defense. The key feature is Unarmored Defense since her AC can still stay active even with a shield in hand. Rage enables her to gain increased damage and defensive buffs for 1 minute.

Cleric 1 is the next step in progression as she gains clerical abilities and knowledge in the arcane. With this class, she gains Spellcasting and Arcane Initiate. Arcane Initiate gives her the Arcane skill and the cantrips of Green-Flame Blade and Blade Ward.

Barbarian 2 grants her access to Reckless Attack and Danger Sense. Now, she can attack at an advantage while forgoing her defenses while being able to gain an advantage on Dex saving throws against seen effects.

Barbarian 3 is where she picks up the Primal Path of the Zealot. Path of the Zealot grants her Divine Fury: Radiant and Warrior of the Gods. Dive Fury gives her an extra bit of damage with melee weapons while Warrior of the Gods makes it easier for her to be restored to life without the need for components.

Barbarian 4 is where she is granted the Feat of Crusher. Crusher gives her a +1 to Str, the ability to move a foe 5 feet if they are Large or smaller once per round, and the ability to grant advantage to further attacks when she lands a critical hit against a foe using bludgeoning damage.

Barbarian 5 is the final level for Momo with access to Extra Attack and Fast Movement. Now she gains two attacks a round and has an increased walking speed of 40 feet.

While Momo does not have too much skill in scripture magic, she still harbors incredible etheric power and can unleash her physical potential using her class abilities and spells.




Blade Ward

Green-Flame Blade


Spare the Dying

Word of Radiance

1st Level

Detect Magic

Guiding Bolt

Magic Missile

Shield of Faith

Magic Missile

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Momo an exceptional assistant capable of fierce love, impressive investigations, and incredible fighting prowess in Six levels or Less.


Standard Barbarian equipment with a Whip, 2 Handaxes, and 4 Javelins. Eventually, gain an Arcane Grimore +1 to act as her clerical focus.

Shout out to for their excellent information in making this incredible character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My next build will be the “princess knight” herself, Ashuna Grisarika! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related