*Spoilers for Future Plots in the Manga/Anime*

Estarossa is the third illegitimate son of Zeldris and Meliodas who was given the commandment of love by the demon king further increasing his formidable powers. He is able to overwhelm his foes with darkness-based powers, punishing physical attacks, and the ability to render his foes powerless if they harbor hate towards him. He is a powerhouse on the battlefield that is both feared and mistrusted by many. Though he is thought to be the third brother of Zeldris and Meliodas a sinister truth 3000 years in the making lies hidden just beneath the surface. This truth shakes those who know Estarossa to their very core and brings the true history of Estarossa/Mael to light.

Estarossa’s Stats

Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 14 (27 point buy)

Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 16 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Fighter 1/Warlock 5 (The Undead)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Powerful fisticuffs and firepower.
  2. Dark designs to grow in power.
  3. Growing out of Meliodias’ shadow.


For Background, I chose Noble for him. He gains the skills History, Persuasion, the language of Infernal, Tool Proficiency of Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Position of Privilege.


For the race, I chose Fallen Aasimar since he has a different build to his brother’s thought he still bears a stronger resemblance to humans. With this race, he gains +2 Cha, +1 Str, Darkvision 60′, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, Necrotic Shroud. The key parts of his build are his Celestial Resistance and Necrotic Shroud. Necrotic Shroud gives him his dark wings, necrotic damage bonus, and an initial fear aura. Celestial Resistance is useful since he tanks a tremendous amount of dark and radiant damage throughout his fights.


Estarossa’s class breakdown is a combination of two classes, Fighter 1/Warlock 5(The Undead). It is with these classes that he gains the ability to gather ritual spells from any spellcasting class, strong frontline damage potential, damaging necrotic abilities, and the durability to survive the worst attacks from his foes. This combination of classes is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Fighter 1 is starting class for Estarossa. This class gives the skills of Insight, Athletics, Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting, and Second Wind.

Warlock 1 is where he picks up Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, and Form of Dread.

Warlock 2 is the level that gives Estarossa his Eldritch Invocations. At this level, I went with Armor of Shadows and Agonizing Blast, but at the end of the build, he would gain Cloak of Flies and Book of Ancient Secrets.

Warlock 3 gives him the Pact Boon of Pact of the Tome. With this Tome, he gains Vicious Mockery, Toll of the Dead, and Sword Burst.

Warlock 4 is the level that grants him the feat of Martial Adept with the Maneuvers of Riposte and Pushing Attack. Riposte is part of the combination needed to perform his version of Full Counter.

Warlock 5 is the level for where he gets a third Invocation with that being Book of Ancient Secrets. Now he can cast a large number of ritual spells and can gain more from any class. This represents his growing ability to steal various Commandments from his former comrades. The initial ones are Detect Magic, Silence, and Identify but you can purchase as many as you want.

With full use of Estarossa’s powers he can perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Full Counter- Martial Adept: Riposte +Dodge Action

Hellblaze- Green Flame Blade/Eldritch Blast

Rebellion- Shadow Blade and Sword Burst or Phantasmal Force

Blackout- Phantasmal Force

Killing Saucer- Vampiric Touch

Decree Absorption- Dread Form+Armor of Shadows+Necrotic Shroud

Evil Hound- Summon Undead

Commandment of Love- Hypnotic Pattern

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Estarossa the Love a sadist of overwhelming potential in Six levels or Less.


Fallen Aasimar




Blade Ward

Eldritch Blast

Green-Flame Blade

Sword Burst

Toll the Dead

Vicious Mockery

1st Level

Detect Magic


Mage Armor

Unseen Servant

2nd Level


3rd Level


Hypnotic Pattern

Phantasmal Force

Shadow Blade

Summon Undead

Vampiric Touch


Standard Fighter equipment with Longsword, Shield, and Handaxes, spend money on ritual spells for Book of Shadows

Mael’s Stats

Str 11 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 14 (27 point buy)

Str 11 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 16 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 1/Warlock 5 (The Celestial)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Sun on the battlefield.
  2. Fist of Righteous Fury.
  3. Powers of a Archangel.


For Background, I chose Solider for him. He gains the skills Athletics, Intimidation, Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land) and Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Military Rank.


For the race, I chose Protector Aasimar for Mael since it is the closest one can get to an angel as a player character. With this race, he gains +2 Cha, +1 Wis, Darkvision 60′, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, and Radiant Soul. The key part of his build is Radiant Soul since this gives him wings with a fly speed and extra radiant damage on an attack or spell.


Mael’s class breakdown is a combination of two classes, Monk1 /Warlock 5 (The Celestial). It is with these classes that he gains his unarmed martial arts combination, damaging radiant spells and abilities, and the ability to create magical weapons to use in fights. This combination of classes is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Monk 1 is the starting class for Mael. This class gives him the skills of Religion, Acrobatics and Weaver’s Tools (or whatever tool you prefer), Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts

Warlock 1 is the next step for Mael. This class gives him Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, and Healing Light.

Warlock 2 is where he picks up Eldritch Invocations of Agonizing Blast and Grasp of Hadar. Later he will have Improved Pact Weapon and Thirsting Blade at the last level of the build.

Warlock 3 is the level that gives Mael the Pact Boon of Pact of the Blade. This allows him to summon a weapon to use in combat that counts as magic.

Warlock 4 gives him the feat of Dual Wielder. With this feat he gains an extra bonus to his AC, dual wield weapons that are not light and can draw and stow two one-handed weapons at the same time.

Warlock 5 is the last level for Mael. It is at this level that he gets a third Invocation and changes out Grasp of Hadar for Improved Pact Weapon.

With full use of Mael’s powers he can perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Ark- Celestial Warlock Powers+Radiant Soul

Invitation to Reincarnation- Revivify

Killing Saucer- Improved Pact Weapon + Dual Wielder

Grace of Sunshine-Celestial Warlock Powers + Protector Aasimar powers

Greatest Sun- Radiant Soul + Flaming Sphere

Helios Fair- Guiding Bolt

Arrow of Salvation- Improved Pact Weapon or Eldritch Blast

Invigorate- Lesser Restoration + Healing Hands/Healing Light

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Mael of Sun a Solar Storm on the battlefield in Six levels or Less.


Protector Aasimar




Booming Blade

Eldritch Blast


Sacred Flame

Sword Burst

1st Level

Guiding Bolt

2nd Level

Flaming Sphere

Lesser Restoration

3rd Level



Spirit Shroud


Standard Monk equipment with a shortword and darts. Eventually, you can summon whatever weapons you want.

Shout out to https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Nanatsu_no_Taizai_Wiki for the amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week I will work on creating the leader of the Ten Commandments, Zeldris the Piety aka The Executioner of the Ten Commandments!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related