The PCs are preparing to have a long rest off on the road when a ragged-looking human wanders up to the group asking for aid. This ragged human has the pallid look of a zombie but the eyes of a man who burns with the desire for vengeance. He asks the group if they would assist in avenging a man wronged by the evils of an accursed group of individuals known as The Fallacies. This Revenant hungers for vengeance and seeks the party’s aid in facilitating it.

This is a one-shot adventure for four level 9 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Champion Fighter Gravish, Necromancer Wizard Talso, War Priest Lamat, warriors, greater zombies, flying swords, bandits, sword wraith warriors, bard, ice giant skeleton

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

A revenant by the name of Marco beseeches the PCs aid in helping to avenge the destruction of his town and the murder of himself and his family. He will aid them in the fight and has mentioned the sheer amounts of wealth that each of The Fallacies possesses. He can track each one down but knows he lacks the power capable enough to destroy the three without the party’s help.

Where is this encounter happening?

This adventure is happening in four locations across a rural countryside. The first location is along a roadside where the party is settling down for a long rest. The second location is a ruined longhouse. The third location is in the center of a devastated town. The last location is inside a desecrated Abby.

When did this happen?

Marco’s town and life were ruined over a month ago where his entire town was destroyed and mutilated by the Fallacies. Since then the three members of the Fallacies separated to explore this new part of the continent. By the time Revenant Marco finds the PCs, The Fallacies have been exploring for two weeks.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to help aid Marco in dispatching each member of the Fallacies and saving what few lives remain amongst the scattered towns in this rural side of the continent.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The PCs will use the talents of the Revenant to track his foes in order to find and defeat each member of the Fallacies. The PCs will use their own skills, talents, and techniques to overcome the hurdles presented by their foes. While the Revenant will aid the PCs with his talents and abilities, keeping the Fallacies busy until the PCs are able to join the fray.

NPCs of Note

The Fallacies- A former renowned adventurer group that went missing over two years ago when they fought against a mind flayer necromancer. Once they reemerged they had changed for the worst and began to terrorize the small rural parts of the continent. They are sadistic, nihilistic, and vengeful souls who seek wanton destruction on innocents rather than saving them.

Necromancer Talso- Gnome Necromancer who sought to balance the arts of necromancy with a reasoned understanding. His was the path of the Grey Necromancer who only used unintelligent undead and only for task that required their immediate necessity. Afterward he would rid put the bodies to rest. Now, he open flaunts his power over death and has devolved into a sadist relishing the pain of his victims.

War Priest Lamat- Human female cleric who valued helping those who needed aid and fought to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves. Now she actively uses those same innocents in horrific rituals to bring fiends into this world.

Champion Gravish- Hafling male Fighter who enjoyed fighting the good fight and pitting his skills against the strongest that the forces of evil brought to bear. Now he is being of metal, dripping with the blood of whoever stands in his way. All he cares about is how much of a fight they put up and once they are beaten he moves on to the next challenger.

Revenant Marco- Was once the mayor of the small town of 1000 souls named Thrice Mills. It was known for its three white mills. blessed with golden wheat and famous for their Ales. Once The Fallacies reached their town it was reduced to its founding stones. Marco was the last to be killed, having to bear witness to every atrocity unleashed upon his once vibrant town. Since that time his soul could find no rest, seeking only vengeance as he began to track his foes. He was defeated by the combined forces of The Fallacies but his wrath could not find rest. He took over a new form and wandered the land seeking aid in order to defeat his cursed foes.


(Pretty easy to find maps online)

Roadside Camp

Ruined Longhouse

Square of Ruined Town

Devastated Abbey

Encounters & Treasure

Avenge the Soul/Sword Brawl Corps

Avenge the Soul/Upward Corpse Dance

Avenge the Soul/ Down with Religion


Once the PCs have defeated the last of the Fallacies, the Revenant Marco will thank them profusely as his form begins to drift off into the wind. The last scene will be of Marco as he once was running off to embrace his family in spirit form. Though the Fallacies are dead, what caused them to be corrupted from the renowned heroes they once were sticks out as a mystery.

Shoutouts as always to and DNDBeyond for being amazing resources in creating this one-shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related