Rose End is a town fabled to be founded by a Dryad. Now, this small town is being terrorized by Gaggle the green hag, and her small army. Can the PCs stop the machinations of this green hag before the town is destroyed?

This is a one shot adventure for four level 4 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Green Hag, Meenlock, Boggle, Red Cap, Screaming Devilkin

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

While the PCs are making their way through town they are approached by a pixie named Nantiko, who ask them to meet with Lady Dreska of Rose End. Lady Dreska is a dryad and founding member of Rose End and she beseeches their help. The small town is currently being targeted for destruction by a green hag called Gaggle. She is slowly dismantling the town via guerrilla tactics and without help, the town will fall.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is based out of the small town of Rose End. It’s a small riverside town that is centered around a massive oak tree that is the home of the dryad known as Lady Dreska.

When did this happen?

The town has been enduring two weeks of Gaggle’s assaults before the PCs arrived in town. The adventure will cover the next four nights.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are restocking on supplies as they head off to a major town in the area. One of the main attractions to Rose End is the massive oak tree and the storied legend of the town’s founding.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

The town will be attacked during the first night that the PCs are staying at the local in. Should the PCs need help three sprites, sent by Lady Dreska, will assist in fending off the raiders. The next night Gaggle will send in some of her heavy hitters to actively antagonize the PCs to gauge how strong they are while she hides well off in the distance using her invisibility powers.

From there the PCs will be encouraged to construct a defensive plan with the leaders of the Rose End as they prepare the town’s defenses. Once the PCs set up their plan, Gaggle will launch a concentrated effort on the fourth day, attempting to destroy the Oak as quickly as they can.

NPCs of Note

Lady Dreska- She is one of the founding members of the small town of Rose End. For over three centuries she has helped to guide and shape the direction of the town. This latest threat seeks to undo everything that she and her fellow citizens have fought to achieve with fey and non-fey relations. She knows how horrid the threat that Gaggle the Green represents and she seeks to stop her from destroying the town.

Nantiko- Is the chief representative of Lady Dreska, typically attending lower meetings and addressing town concerns on behalf of the Dryad. She has a pleasant demeanor yet she is currently pressed to figure out how to keep the town from falling apart at the seams.

Gaggle the Green- She is a wicked green hag who seeks to establish herself on a large scale. She has spent two years gathering her forces to tackle this town to attract more hags. She is seeking to destroy Rose End to attract fellow hags and create a powerful coven in the area. Gaggle is a skilled tactician but suffers from her massive ego.


Town Rose End

Encounters & Treasure

Intercepting Dreams-

Night Time Fey Task Force-

Gaggle of Green- Gaggle’s Main Task Force/Final Battle

Honor Fey Guard- Lady Dreska’s Forces


With the defeat of Gaggle and her forces, the town will be freed from the threat of further evil fey influences. Rose End will honor the PCs with honorary town residency and a small four living twigs that can be used to instill a spell for the PCs to create wands with.

Shout out as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related