Elizabeth Lioness is known as the third adoptive princess of Lioness, and the 107th reincarnation of Goddess Elizabeth. She is the lover of Meliodas and the second main character of the series as her story is tied part and parcel to Meliodas’ own path. She has always had the power of healing and moving people with her words, but it was her strength of character and her resolve to save lives that stands out among the Seven Deadly Sins. She is closes to Meliodas but she also shares close friendships with Diane and Merlin. As the story progresses she slowly reawakens to her original power, and even is referred by the name the demon realm used to call her, Bloody Eli.

Elizabeth Stats

Str 11 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 14 (27 point buy)

Str 11 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 16 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Cleric 4 (Light Domain)/Warlock 2 (The Celestial)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Light chases away the dark.
  2. Goddesss Clan’s Ark.
  3. Healing prowess.


For the race I chose Protector Aasimar for Elizabeth’s build. This build gives her a lot of the traits that make up her baseline of powers. With this race she gains Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer and Radiant Soul. The key parts of this race being Radiant Soul which gives her wings and flight as well as Healing Hands to give her an extra layer of healing powers.


For Background I chose Noble for Elizabeth. In this life she is the 3rd princess of Lioness so this background fufuills her life well. With this background she gains the skills of Persuasion, History, Playing Card Set, the language of Abyssal and the Feature Position of Privilege.


Elizabeth’s class breakdown is Cleric 4 (Light Domain)/Warlock (The Celesital). With these two classes she gains the power to harness light while banishing darkness, multilple levels of healing, and various spells and abilities that represent the magical technique of Ark. As always I recommend weaving in each class’s level in order to gain the benefits of both classes as quickly as possible.

Cleric 1 is the beginning level for Elizabeth. It is here where she gains the skills of Insight and Medicine, Spellcasting, Warding Flare and Bonus Cantrip of Light. Warding Flare allows her to increase her defenses by giving enemies that hit her disadvantage on their attack.

Cleric 2 is where she picks up Channel Divinity its alternative useage of Radiance of the Dawn, an more spells. Radiance of the Dawn is important since this is where she gains the ability to mimic her power called Let There Be Light. This ability does allows her to banish magical darkness within 30 feet and cause damage to hostile creatures in that same range.

Cleric 3 is where she gains access to 2nd level spells. It is also the level where her Radiant Soul kicks in, allowing her a full minute of flight.

Cleric 4 is gives her access to the feat Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Cha) and more 2nd level spells. Draconic Healing gives her Cure Wounds a free spell to cast, freeing up a spell slot for other spells. Protective Wings mimics one of the techniques of Ark in the sensethat she can summon spectral wings used to protect her friends within 5 feet of her by boosting their AC by her proficiency bonus.

The other half of this build is Warlock 2 (The Celestial).

Warlock 1 grants her Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, Bonus Cantrips, and Healing Light. The key part of this level is Healing Light. With this feature she has a pool of dice equal to her warlock level plus one that she can use to further heal her comrades.

Warlock 2 is the final level for Elizabeth’s build with the feature Eldritch Invocations. It is this feature that she gets Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast. Now she can use Eldritch Blast to not only deal increased damage from Agonizing, but can also blast back her foe with each hit 10 feet with Repelling.

With full use of her Elizabeth’s power she is able to perform the following techniques via spells and abilities:

Ark-Eldritch Blast, Guiding Bolt, Warding Flare, Protective Wings

Let There Be Light-Channel Divinity and Radiance of the Dawn

Tranquilize-Lesser Restoration and Calm Emotions

Healing-Healing Light, Cleric Healing spells, Healing Hands

Empathic Power-Calm Emotions, Cause Fear, Persuasion from High Cha

Flight-Radiant Soul

This combination of feats, stats and spells gives this DND build of Elizabeth Lioness, aka Bloody Elie, her Goddess tier powers in Six levels or Less.


Protector Aasimar


Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Cha)

Cure Wounds





Spare the Dying

Word of Radiance

1st Level

Burning Hands

Faerie Fire

Guiding Bolt

Healing Word

2nd Level


Calm Emotions

Flaming Sphere

Lesser Restoration

Prayer of Healing

Scorching Ray



Blade Ward

Eldritch Blast

1st Level

Cause Fear

Comprehend Languages

Protection from Evil and Good


Standard Cleric Gear with a sickle and mace.

Shout out to https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Nanatsu_no_Taizai_Wiki for the amazing information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. Next week I will work on creating the Ten Commandments!

Happy New Year!

Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related