If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race Dhampir lineage giving her a 35 for speed, a vampiric bite that heals her like her hybrid form and spider climb for extra mobility. and +1 to three stats

27 point buy for her stats or if you roll really well to get

str 15 dex 13 con 12 int 8 wis 15 cha 8

str 16 dex 14 con 12 int 8 wis 16 cha 8 (after stat and feat adjustments)

background: Criminal

Class breakdown of Fighter 1/Monk 6 (Way of Astral self)

Fighter gives her all martial weapons, dueling fighting style and another in fight heal in the form of second wind

Monk gives her faster movement speed, armor while in regular clothes, her transformation with powers in the form of Arms of the Astral self and visage of the astral self. For her feat in the 4th level of monk she should get mobile.

Now with all of this she has a speed of 60, multiple attacks, AC 15, ranged archery options, melee reach from her arms, healing from two sources and a transformation that you can flavor as being a sword construct.



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related