Casimir Flintfall always felt faster than most to the point where he had a hard time staying in one place for too long. His family was poor and could barely afford to feed their five person family so Casimir was forced out of his home to feed the others. Eventually, he was found by a traveling monk and was allowed to train and travel with them. After developing his skills he chose to live his life on the road and make money doing what he has always known to do through fighting. He saved money to attend school at a local mage college to enhance his power further. Through creative fighting techniques and spells Casimir came to be called Celerity Cas due to quickly he defeated his opponents.

Casimir Flintfall aka Celerity Cas

Race: Variant Human, Two +1 ability score increases, 1 Language, 1 Skill, 1 Feat

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 8 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 15 Cha 9 (base stats)

Str 8 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 9 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Rapid movement speed.
  2. Momentum based power set.
  3. Hyper mobility.


For Race of this build I chose Variant Human With this variant of human you gain a free language, two ability scores raised by 1, a free skill and a free feat or attribute increase. For Cas I went with Primordial for the language, +1 to Wis and Dex, Insight for Skills, and the feat of Mobile. Mobile will increase his speed by 10 feet, allow him to dash over difficult terrain as normal terrain, and the ability to attack a foe and not trigger opportunity attacks when you break away from that enemy.


For Background I chose Gladiator. This background grants him the skills of Performance and Perception, the Tool proficiency of Disguise Kit and Flute. He also gains the feature of By Popular Demand which gives him the ability to earn coin and board anywhere there is an arena or or secret pit fighting clubs.


For the Class make up of this build I went with a combination of Monk 5 (Way of the Four Elements)/ Wizard 1. With this combination he gets skills in close quarters combat, great amounts of speed increase and a plethora of ways to deal with ones foes.

Monk 1 is the starting class for Casimir. With this level he gains Acrobatics, Stealth and Alchemist’s Supplies and Unarmored Defense.

Monk 2 features of Ki and Unarmored Movement. Now he can increase his movement speed to 100 feet in a round and jump incredible distances.

Monk 3 is where Celerity Cas follows the Way of the Four Elements. It is here where he gains Deflect Missiles, and two Elemental Disciplines abilities. The two that I went with were Fist of the Unbroken Air and Rush of the Gale Spirits, both of which represent his ability to move his limbs at incredible speeds.

Monk 4 strengthens his Mind and the ability to keep from taking damage when falling. He gains the ability to Slow Fall and the Feat Keen Mind. Keen Mind increases his intellect, allows him to always know where north is, always know the number of hours before sunrises and sunsets and accurately recall information seen or heard in the last month.

Monk 5 is the last part of his monk experience with the abilities of Extra Attack and Stunning Strike. Now he has the ability to attack up to a maximum of four attacks a round with the uses of Ki with the potential of stunning a foe from the sheer power of his blows.

Wizard 1 is the capstone for Celerity Cas’s build. It is here where he gains extra options to enhance his abilities with spells. The two features he gains are Spellcasting and Arcane Recovery.



Fire Bolt



1st Level

Absorb Elements

Earth Tremor

Expeditious Retreat



Tenser’s Floating Disk


Standard Monk equipment with a focus on the Shortsword option and Costume Clothes.

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related