Liver has many training dungeons dotted around the town to test the skills of those that seek to become adventures. Each dungeon has a trick to teach a group how to deal with a deadly threat. What happens to a team that falls to the dangers inside of their test dungeon? The PCs are contracted by the adventure’s guild to recover the last group’s remains from dungeon and offered the chance to complete the dungeon as well.

This is a mission for four level 1 PCs but level 2 characters would have a fun play at this dungeon as well..

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Ogre Zombies, Skeletons, Zombies

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are approached by an adventure’s guild representative Zelma Dubois, a young human female. Zelma has approached the PCs to recover the remains of the previous party. Typically a party that falls in a dungeon are left for a two weeks time while the guild determines what happened through magical reconnaissance unless another party takes up the dungeon in that time. Zelma’s younger sister is one of the fallen members of the last party and she’s been desperately seeking another group to take up the dungeon and recover the bodies for the past three days. She is willing to pay the PCs 100 GP for the group and to fast track their application to take over completing this dungeon as well.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting in the town of Liver. This is where the PCs will meet up and explore the markets, shops and massive inns in town. From there the adventure takes the PCs to the dungeon called The Hive of Ricusa.

This dungeon was created by a fabled fighter but this dungeon was invaded by a necromantic cult. Despite the defeat of this cult their lingering influence remained and various forms of low strength undead seek to claim this dungeon as their home. Since then this particular dungeon has a bit of a reputation as a party breaker, but those how succeed and clearing the dungeon are viewed with huge renown and given extra money for contracts.

When did this happen?

The PCs have been notified of this quest three days after the previous party was defeated. The previous party spent two days fighting off the forces in the dungeon before ultimately being dispatched in The Hive of Ricusa.

Why are the PCs here?

Liver is the capital of adventures and it is natural for the PCs to gain their reputation here. Zelma Dubois sought out the PCs because she saw in them the potential to not only defeat this dungeon but also to return her sister’s remains to her.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs accept this quest from Zelma she will fast track their application to take over tackling this dungeon. The PCs will be given their 100 GP stipend to use to buy and shop in Liver to get ready for the mission. From their the PCs will be given the standard map for this particular dungeon, but Zelma will mark where the previous party was felled on their map. Zelma will provide the party with two horses and a cart and will even give the party an extra healing potion per PC to help ensure they succeed.

From there the PCs will make their way to swamp entrance of The Hive of Ricusa. The original party was four stalwart adventures. Zelma’s sister, Lena, was a sorceress while the other party members were a dwarf fighter, elven ranger and gnome cleric. After battling their way through the dungeon they will find the previous party in their current state.

NPCs of Note

Guild Representative Zelma Dubois- Hilda is a young female in her early 20’s. She has long black hair in a french bun with a single white strand of hair running through the bun and light teal eyes. She was ecstatic to finally get a job working in the guild but has lost a lot of her excitement with the death of her sister. Now all she can think of is getting her family home. She will use what funds she has to bring her sister back if possible but the longer she stays in that place the less likely such a thing is possible.


Town Liver

The Hive of Ricusa

PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF.


With the PCs clearing out the dungeon and retrieving the bodies of the fallen party members, they have earned a special place amongst their fellow adventures. Once the bodies are returned, Zelma will be overwhelmed with grief but also with immense gratitude to the PCs. She will gift them the horses and cart for future missions. She will then have her sister’s body taken to a church in order to bring her back to life.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related