The town of Liver is known for being the adventure training capital for the empire. It is here where those who seek to be seen as adventures, come to test their mettle and carve a legend for themselves. The PCs have come to try their hand at one of the many training dungeons that dot the lands around Liver.

This is a mission for four level 1 PCs.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Goblin Boss, Goblins, Mimic, Hobgoblin

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs have come to the bustling town of Liver in order to receive the training needed to become great adventures. The party will sign up with the adventure’s guild and be offered the opportunity to test their mettle at The Shrine of Malign Devastation. This dungeon was created by a fabled fighter who sought to train future generations with this challenging site just three miles north of the town.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is starting in the town of Liver. This is where the PCs will meet up and explore the markets, shops and massive inns in town. From there the adventure takes the PCs to the dungeon called The Shrine of Malign Devastation.

This dungeon was created by a fabled fighter who sought to challenge future generations with a gritty threat and harden them to the life of an adventure. The Shrine of Malign Devastation was magically created with a compulsion to attract goblinoid creatures to the cave once no goblins exist inside. In essence it is an ancient mimic that was magically bound into service to serve as a dungeon. After the PCs slay all of the creatures inside the dungeon will devour what is left inside of itself before the compulsion effect kicks back into effect.

When did this happen?

The PCs will arrive a day before the dungeon has completed its “restock” of enemies needed before the dungeon is ready to be assailed.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are here to test their strengths and what better place than the capital of adventures. This is the first trial assigned to all new members of the guild and it is here where legends are born.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs are offered the chance to attempt to run the dungeon no other teams will be allowed to try out for three days. From there the party can gain basic information on the dungeon. That information being that it resembles a dark ritual space and is mostly inhabited by goblinoids, though other creatures may lurk inside as well. From there the party is free to use whatever means they can to clear the cave of all goblinoids. The treasure and arms left behind are for the PCs as their payment. They will be warned to not leave fallen comrades behind, less they become unrecoverable for their family members’ sake. The party will be given a map of the dungeon itself but will have no clue as to where anything lays as far as traps or enemies.

NPCs of Note

Guild Representative Hilda Hammerthorn- Hilda is a mature female dwarf in her 200s. She has piercing blue eyes and jet black hair tied in an elaborate bun. She is the main point of contact for all new adventures joining the guild. Pleasant and polite with a stern side for paperwork being filled out properly is how she would be described.


Town Liver

The Shrine of Malign Devastation

DM Map
PC Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the PDF.


With the clearing of the training dungeon the PCs have left their first harrowing trial. When they return to the guild hall they will officially be seen as fellow adventure and allowed time to rest. Once rested the PCs can then start accepting new quests or seek to challenge harder dungeons found around Liver.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related