The PCs are approached by a young elven girl with a note to meet the silver princess in the woods just outside of town. The note states that the silver princess is offering a large amount of money to help clear out a cavern a day’s travel from town. Once the PCs, led out of town by the young elven girl, reach the edge of town the young elven girl turns into a young silver dragon wearing a hat. The silver dragon needs the help of the PCs to reclaim her lair from a Berbalang named Nix. The silver princess will fight along side the PCs to rid her lair of this dangerous threat and reward the PCs with as much loot as they can carry.

This is a mission for four level 1 PCs but level 2 PCs would have a challenge here as well.

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Mimics, Dust Mephit, Ghoul, Gelatinous Cube

Boss- Nix the Berbalang

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are meeting together at a tavern or a guild house when a young elven woman will approach them and hand them a note:

Gentle Lords and or Ladies, the Silver Princess request your strength of arms to aid in riding a cavern of evils. Rewards and additional aid will be your rewards for this mission. Please follow Millie here and she will take you to the rendezvous point outside of town. Millie will give each member of this party 10 sp as your initial payment. Millie here is a mute so she can only respond with head nods.

If a PC can use telepathy or communicate Millie will be shocked but reiterate what the letter says almost verbatim.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is happening in the small town of Eaststream. A small riverside town on the eastern side of Darkwood Forest. The quest will take the PCs to a mountain range with a large cavern with the sign placed over primordial lettering called The Tomb of Demonic Worms written in Infernal. The primordial letter underneath spells out cavern home.

When did this happen?

This is happening a day or two after the PCs enter the town of Eaststream. The cavern was taken over roughly a week before the PCs came to this town.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are being hired out by the Silver Princess to rid Nix and his minions from her soon to be home. She initially gives them 10 sp to meet outside of Eaststream and reveals herself as a silver dragon wyrmling wearing a hat of disguise and a talent to speak elvish and draconic. She will further entice the PCs with two healing potions per person as well as all of the loot they can carry from the cavern. The silver princess does not want anything that was touched by the Nix and his gang and will let the PCs have it all if it means getting their help.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PCs take Millie/Silver Princess up on her offer the PCs will travel to the mountains where the DM can put in a random encounter for level one for either forest or mountain list. Once at the cave the PCs will do their best to rid the cave of the monsters that call this cavern their home. The Silver princess will follow behind the PCs and attempt to help as best she can with her dragon prowess.

NPCs of Note

Millie/Silver Princess- a young wyrmling of silver dragon parentage who is now just starting to venture out on her own from her clutch. She originally found the cavern home and added some treasure with her first outting. However, once she came back from her second outting she was confronted by Nix and barely survived her encounter with them. Kind, loyal, determined and a bit squeamish of anything demonic; Silver Princess is a wyrmling attempting to find her way in this big world. She has a hat of disguise and has learned elvish from spending time spying on elves for the better part of ten years.

Nix the Berbalang- a harbringer for a future Githyanki cretch for the material plane. Nix found this cave while the Silver Princess was out and discovered a host of interesting skeletons deep in the back of the cavern. Nix then claimed this cave as its own and populated it with monsters to keep intruders out. Once Silver Princess came back it fought hard to rid the wyrmling of its life but she escaped after being overwhelmed. Nix is attempting to secure this site so that its Githyanki employers can set up their foothold in this part of the material plane.



The Tomb of Demonic Worms

DM Map

Encounters & Treasure

Listed in the pdf.


With the defeat of Nix and its minions, Silver Princess will finally be able to call this place her home. She will be ever so grateful to the PCs and will offer to assist them if they ever need aid once she is set up here. With that the PCs can grab as much treasure as they can carry, which serves her well since she does not want anything from Nix contaminating her new home.

Shout outs as always to and for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related