While the PCs have been out fighting Kingdom ending events, Galentine has been delving deeper into the constant evolving threat of the far realm cult. Galentine has continued to grow in both occult knowledge and strength of arms. The previous Duke of Ba’Rayne has left Galentine a difficult inheritance to resolve but with enough help from a certain group of adventures this latest chapter of threats should be wrapped up without much delay.


The heroes are asked for by name yet again to aid a wealthy noble’s cause. The cult of the Crested Scales of Balbelph are no more but the power behind the cult is still alive and well. The being behind this funding is called The Shadow Orphan. It is The Shadow Orphan’s powerful network of funds and bonded creatures that have supplied the defunct cult with the tools and weapons needed to assault kingdoms covertly. Galentine has located a “warehouse” used by T.S.O. to fund and support another cult. Once the PCs discuss the matter with Galentine they find out that the proper name of this space is called The Gauntlet of the Wyrm Tyrant. With the support of the PCs and a few well placed Necklaces of Fireballs, the warehouse can be put out of commission permanently.

This is a mission for level 15 PCs

Six W’s

Who are the enemies in this One Shot?

Steel Predator, Adult Blue Dracolich, Kobolds, Mind Flayers, Quaggoths, Balhannoths, Gibbering Mouthers, Alhoon, Shadow Mastiffs

Optional Fights :Beholder, Cloaker, Mind Flayer Arcanist, Deathlock Mastermind, Cultist, Oaken Bolters, Succubi, Mimics

Potential Allies: Guardian Naga Skatl and Mad Mage Mendul

What has happened to cause the PCs to fight?

The PCs are requested by name from their favorite noble in yet another hunt to rid the duchy of another threat. This time around the PCs are given the option ( DM willing of course ) of either gold or magic items. The retainer is 45,000 GP in trade bars with an extra 30,000 GP upon completion of the mission. The magical equipment is rings of spell storing, Amulets of the Devout +2, Amulet of Health, Belts of Hill Giant Strength, Cloaks of the Bat.

After a full year and a half of searching Galentine has managed to locate a major “warehouse” used by T.O.S. Unfortunately, it is in a small pocket dimension where the doorway is one hundred feet down a corridor in pandemonium. Galentine has spent the time since dismantling what remains of the cult but found out about the warehouse on their last excursion. Galentine has the key to the doorway, an Amulet of the Planes, but will require aid in order to destroy the warehouse.

Where is this encounter happening?

This encounter is happening in a small demiplane that borders between a corridor in Pandemonium and the Plane of Fire. The main layout of this warehouse is magical enforced series of rooms with each door needed a tuned magical key to phase into the next room. Without it the person is drifted into a secondary space between the warehouse and a cavern where a band of roving monsters could attack them.

The main protector of the warehouse is an Adult Blue Dracolich with Balhannoths acting as lieutenants to stabilize the demiplane.

When did this happen?

The Gauntlet of the Wyrm Tyrant was created an epoch ago by kuo-toa but has since been repurposed by T.S.O. as a store locale to hide necessary agents in order to wreak havoc on the Duchy of Ba’Rayne. The information gathered by Galentine was discovered within the past two week before the PCs were requested.

Why are the PCs here?

The PCs are specifically chosen due to their history of defeating the previous cult’s actions and their kingdom know fame. Galentine has the utmost faith in the PCs abilities and requires their aid once again.

How will the PCs deal with this problem?

Once the PC’s meet with Galentine at Constance Manor, the main bulk of the missions details will be delivered to them. The Shadow Orphan’s discovery and involvement in the previous dealings of the cult, as well as the location of The Gauntlet of the Wyrm Tyrant. From there the PCs will be issued their retainer fees and allowed to purchase the best wears of any vendors in all the lands here at Constance Manor (Access to very rare equipment as well as normal equipment) Galentine has built up quite the coalition of merchants and defenses for the Manor, all sponsored by the plundered resources of the Cult of the Crested Serpents.

Galentine will relate what the spirits have told him of the layout of the dungeon and the necessity for them to travel to the Plane of Pandemonium in order to access it. From what Galentine knows, the keys to each doorway are located on the claws of a steel predator that is the near the entrance of the dungeon. One claw for each door, which glows with the color of the door that it needs to open. Failure to use the correct claw, or loss of the claw will open up to a cavern room with a wondering monster group in it.

Galentine was able to get the layout of the map from a diary kept in the family archives, a point that disturbed Galentine to their core. With the map, and the expertise of a few dwarven miners, Galentine was given the idea of how to destroy this dungeon with multiple necklaces of fireball. If placed at certain parts of the dungeon, the destruction caused should be antiquate to collapse the place and the remaining portion would be consumed by the combination of howling winds of pandemonium and scorching fire from the plane of fire. Unfortunately, the demiplane has been layered with multiple defenses against planar traveling into or out of it leaving the only entrance and exit at the passage into pandemonium.

Each room is essentially a cell that contains the various assets in their room with food and water being provide via magical dispensers in rooms with living creatures. Once each room has been opened the necklaces can be placed and a delayed blast fireball will be used to detonate the necklace in room 10.

NPCs of Note

Duke/Duchess(?) Galentine Ba’Roche- the noble in charge of the Duchy of Ba’Rayne. Galentine is always eloquent, respectful and rarely crass when it comes to dealing with others. Having to represent the Ba’Roche family is a heavy burden yet, Galentine does so to the best of their ability.

Guild Attendant Talia Fare- A mid 20’s female human of kindly disposition, who’s job it is to handle the higher ranked quest given to the guild. She will lead the PCs to a protected meeting room in order to discuss the contact information with Galentine via a Sending enchanted Pad of paper.

Guardian Naga Skatl- the brood-kin of Guardian Naga Akenti who sought to find Akenti by investigating the Crested Serpents. Unfortunately, Skatl was defeated and dragged to the dungeon, where they have been for well over a year now. Initially standoffish to the PCs Skatl will instantly warm up once they find out Akenti has been found and is alive.

Mad Mage Mendul- A gnome mage who has been exploring pandemonium for years in search of a rare fungus to create a powerful illusion spell with. He was tricked by T.S.O. and was placed into the same room as Skatl. He is more eccentrically insane as opposed to raving insane but the years of pandemonium punished his sanity severely.

Akutant- Is an adult Blue Dracolich given overall command of this dungeon by T.S.O. Due to the relatively low chance of the dungeon being attacked, Akutant has become lazy and allows his three Kobold attendants free rain of room 2 while he sleeps under a bile of electrum in the northeast corner of the room.


Hily’s Bank

Constance Keep

The Gauntlet of the Wyrm Tyrant

The Gauntlet of the Wyrm Tyrant (Player map)

Encounters & Treasure


With the annihilation of the Dracolich and its Balhannoths associates, the magic maintaining the plane will begin to fade and the combination of the plane of fire and pandemonium will destroy whatever is left. This will allow the party to planar shift out of the demiplane without having to go back into plane of pandemonium. The party will be allowed to keep as much of the treasure as they can as spoils of victory as well as rewarded with the other half of their retainer of 30,000 GP paid in trade bars. The destruction of this dungeon will seriously harm to The Shadow Orphans operation.

Shout outs as always to https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/dungeon/ and https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator for being amazing resources in creating this one shot adventure!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related