Hekkeran Termite is the leader of the worker group called Foresight. A dual wielding front-line fighter with an easy going personality and magnetic charm. He and his team have a pretty impressive record of defeating foes prior to their trip to the newly uncovered mysterious large tomb.

Str 15 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 14 (after racial mod)

Class 2 Fighter / 4 Sorcerer (College of Swords)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Dual wielding agile fighter.
  2. Magnetic personality.
  3. Self buffing extreme.

For the race I choose variant human but you could also go for custom lineage as well. I chose Elvish for the language, ability score increases to Str and Cha, the skill Insight, and the Dual Wielder feat. The Dual Wielder feat gives him the ability to use any one handed weapon for improve two weapon fighter damage, +1 to AC and able to draw both weapons at a time. Useful for a dedicated two weapon user. The skill Insight is useful for gauging the next moves of your opponent in a fight.

For Background we went with Mercenary Veteran since he is a Worker and not a soldier. This is where he picks up Intimidation, Acrobatics and Playing Card Set proficiencies.

For Class I originally wanted to use six levels of fighter and go with eldritch knight as a basic build for the character but found his lack of magnetic personality disturbing…. So I went with what I found a more appropriate Fighter 2 and Bard 4 (College of Swords). First we start with Fighter for two levels. Fighter 1 gives Hekkeran the skills of Athletics and Perception for a nice solid base of a front-liner. For fighting style I gave Hekkeran Unarmed Fighting to mimic his martial art move of Iron Fist. Second wind rounds out level one and Action Surge makes level two incredible.

The remaining levels are Bard 4 (College of Swords). I went with Bard since this not only increases his magnetic personality potential but also has great self buffs, and enhanced sword fighting potential. Bard 1 skills are Drum and Persuasion with spells and bardic Inspiration rounding out this level. From there Bard 2 gives Hekkeran Song of Rest. For Bard 3 Expertise in Persuasion and Athletics will cement the pillar of the party job that Hekkeran fills. He also gets the ability to use his swords as foci for spells. Fighting style is the coveted Two-Weapon Fighting style to perfect the Dual wielding mindset. Bard 3 is also College of Swords time! The power of Blade Flourish ramps up his fighting potential. To capstone the build we go for Bard 4 and go for the feat of Mobile. This helps to round out the agile part we were looking to achieve.



Blade Ward

True Strike

Vicious Mockery

1st Level

Charm Person

Healing Word




2nd Level

Enhance Ability

See Invisibility


Standard Fighter equipment with a focus on dual long-swords. You will also want to pick up a dagger and a mace as well.

Definitely a shout out to Overlord Wiki for their amazing information on the character’s from this amazing series. Until next week.


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related