Run is the strategic and composed member of Esdeath’s Jaegers, driven by a personal mission to reform the Empire from within. Once a teacher, his sharp intellect and dedication to justice contrast with the moral compromises he makes as an assassin. Wielding the Imperial Arm Mastema, granting him flight and devastating wind-based attacks, Run conceals his altruistic ideals behind a calm demeanor, making him both a loyal ally and a conflicted figure in the Empire’s ranks. This build of Run is one of him soaring to great heights and unleashing dissecting attacks on the empire’s enemies.

Run Stats

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 12 (27-point buy)

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 12 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Monk 6(Way of the Ascendant Dragon)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Strategic Investigations with Keen Insight.
  2. Deflecting Wings.
  3. Hover and Fly to the Sky.


For Background, I chose Faction Agent for Run. He gains the skills of Investigation and Deception, the Languages of Undercommon and Celestial, and the Background Feature of Safe Haven.


For Race, I chose Air Genasi for Run but Aasimar would also work as well. With this race, he gains + 2 to Wis and +1 to Con, Darkvision, Speed 35 feet, Unending Breath, Lightning Resistance, and Mingle with the Wind (Wis).

Run’s class breakdown is Monk 6 (Way of the Ascendant Dragon). It is with this class, that Run gains access to the ability to deflect missile attacks, damaging melee attacks further enhanced with elemental power and wings to aid in soaring high through the sky. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Monk 1 is starting level for Run, giving him impressive unarmed combat ability and improved defenses. At this level, he gains proficiencies in Insight, History and Cook’s Utensils, Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Monk 2 grants him more power with the feature of Ki. At this level, he gets Ki and Unarmored Movement allowing him greater movement potential.

Monk 3 is unlocks Run’s potential with the Monastic Tradition of Way of the Ascendant Dragon and the ability to deflect certain ranged attacks with the feature Deflect Missiles. Way of the Ascendant Dragon gives him the features of Draconic Disciple and Breath of the Dragon. With Draconic Disciple he gains Draconic Presence, Draconic Strike: Lightning, Tongue of Dragons: Draconic, Breath of the Dragon: Lightning.

Monk 4 gifts him with the feat Gift of the Metallic Dragon (Wis) further enhancing the defensive properties of his wing as well as some healing abilities and Slow Fall. This feat gives him Draconic Healing and Protective Wings.

Monk 5 is the next elevation of his abilities increasing his number of attacks and the ability to stun foes. At this level, Run gains Extra Attack and Stunning Strike.

Warlock 6 is the final level for Run giving him further manifestations of his “wings” with incredible speed and fist capable of attacking foes immune to nonmagical attacks. At this level, he gains Ki-Empowered Strikes, Unarmored Movement, and Wings Unfurled.

With full use of Run’s power,s he can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:

  • Thousand-Mile Flight: Mastema- Mingle with the Wind: Levitate + Wings Unfurled + Breath of the Dragon: Lighting
    • God’s Wings- Deflect Missiles + Protective Wings + Draconic Strike: Lighting

A DND Build of Run, the high-flying strategist weaving gusts of change and slicing through corruption and foes of the empire with the precision of a blade … In Six or Less.


Mingle with the Wind

Shocking Grasp

Feather Fall


Gift of the Metallic Dragon(Wis)

Cure Wounds

Equipment Shortsword, 10 Darts, Explorer’s pack, and Faction Agent Starting Equipment.

Shout out to!_Wiki for their incredible information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. The next character will be the sadistic yet charismatic general of the Empire, the beautiful ice-wielding angel of death herself, Esdeath. Until later, Tale-Tellers!









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related


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