Kurome is the cold and enigmatic assassin of Esdeath’s Jaegers, renowned for her deadly precision and unwavering loyalty to the Empire. Once a member of the assassin group Elite Seven, she now wields her fearsome Imperial Arm, Yatsufusa, which allows her to control the corpses of her fallen enemies as puppets. Beneath her stoic exterior lies a tragic and vulnerable soul, longing for connection and grappling with the toll of her deadly profession, forming a fragile bond with her teammate Wave. This build of Kurome is one of her dealings with impressive damage on her foes and adding them to her collection of helpers to aid in defeating the enemies of the Empire.
Kurome Stats
Str 8 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 12 Cha 15 (27 point buy)
Str 8 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 12 Cha 18 (after racial and feat mod)
Class Warlock 6(The Hexblade)
The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:
- Gaining New Friends through Stabbing.
- Strong Swordsmanship, Fragile Constitution.
- Army with One.
For Background, I chose Urchin for Kurome. She gains the skills of Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Tool Proficiency of Disguise Kit, Thieves’ Tools, and the Background Feature of City Secrets.
For Race, I chose Yuan-ti for Kurome. With this race, she gains + 2 to Cha and +1 to Dex, Darkvision, Magic Resistance, Poison Resilienc,e and Serpentine Spellcasting (Cha).
Kurome’s class breakdown is Warlock 6 (The Hexblade). It is with this class, that Kurome gains access to obliterating attacks with either melee attacks or spells, adding additional helpers as combats go on, and stealthy assassination runs. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.
Warlock 1 is where Kurome gains access to the beginnings of her martial training and the power to benefit from the last moments of her foes. At this level, she gains Otherworldly Patron: The Hexblade, Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List, Hexblade’s Curs,e, and Hex Warrior.
Warlock 2 grants her greater power with the feature Eldritch Invocations. At this level, Kurome gets the Eldritch Invocations of Armor of Shadows and Eldritch Mind.
Warlock 3 is where she picks up the ability to see the fruits of her labors with the feature called Pact Boon. Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade gives Kurome the ability to summon her weapon and use it to cast spells through it as well. Switch Eldritch Mind to Improved Pact Weapon.
Warlock 4 gifts her with the feat Shadow Touched: Cha. This feat gives her a +1 to her Cha stat and the spells of Invisibility and False Life.
Warlock 5 is the next level of power for Kurome with an extra Eldritch Invocation and 3rd level spells. At this level, his Eldritch Invocations are Undying Servitude, Improved Pact Weapon, and Thirsting Blade.
Warlock 6 is the final level for Kurome giving her access to yet another “friend” to assist her in battle with the feature of Accursed Specter. With Accursed Specter, she can temporarily bind a specter to her service whenever she slays a person until the end of her next long rest.
With full use of Kurome’s powers, she can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:
- March of the Dead: Yatsufusa- Undying Servitude Eldritch Invocation + Accursed Specter feature + Summon Shadowspawn or Undead spell
- Drug Enhancements- Hexblade’s Curse + False Life spell + Expeditious Retreat spell + Blink Spell
This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Kurome a specter of destruction bringing death to her enemies and reprocessing them into powerful “friends” to aid her in her mission to confront her sister and keep her close forever in Six levels or Less.
Serpentine Spellcasting
Animal Friendship
Shadow Touched
False Life
Blade Ward
Green-Flame Blade
Sword Burst
1st Level
Armor of Agathys
Expeditious Retreat
2nd Level
Branding Smite
Shadow Blade
3rd Level
Summon Shadowspawn
Summon Undead
Equipment Light Crossbow and 20 bolts, 2 Daggers, Sickle, a component pouch, Dungeonner’s pack, and Urchin Starting Equipment. Use Improved Pact Weapon to summon a +1 Longsword to represent Yatsufusa.
Shout out to https://akamegakill.fandom.com/wiki/Akame_Ga_Kill!_Wiki for their incredible information in making this amazing character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. The next character will be the kindly former teacher and personal aid of Esdeath, the winged angel of death himself, Run. Until later Tale-Tellers!