Six W’s
Who/ are the enemies in this session?
In this game the enemies are a goblin boss, 2 goblins per PC, 2 goblin commoners
What/ has happened to cause the PCs to fight these goblins?
The goblin boss Ranko has assaulted a small hamlet called Falen and has demanded the townsfolk provide payoffs in the form of food and slaves to be delivered to his fortified cave less than 3 miles away. The town was raided, school house burned, teacher and a female student aid were taken as spoils. The sheriff and the two watchmen were ambushed on the small footpath and left to bleach in the sun.
Desperate for aid the townsfolk have reached out to the guild system to hire adventures to help them solve their plight. Their bounty is 65 silver pieces. Their contact is one Fergus McCree Owner of the small pig farm in the town.
Where/ is this encounter happening?
Town is under the heel of a goblin boss and they require the help of the PCs to liberate their town.
When/ did this happen?
The town was attacked three days ago and the Goblin Boss Ranko stated they would return in five days for their next shipment.
Why/ are the PCs here?
The guild has accepted the hamlet Falen’s request for aid and the PCs are the representatives being sent out to deal with this problem.
How will the PCs deal with this problem?
The main problem is the Goblin Boss Ranko is terrorizing this small hamlet and they do not have the ability to fight off these goblins. The PCs will have to get rid of the goblins somehow and save the captured teacher and student aid from the goblin’s grasp.
NPCs of Note
Fergus McCree- Owner of small pig farm
Loralie- Student aid
Mariah- Inn keepers wife/school teacher
Tobias- Inn Keeper of Pig Catcher
Goblin Cave
-small cave with a pit fall trap 40 feet (DC 15 perception to see) a 20 by 30 foot pit in the center of the cave and a back room with a door and window slit.
Hamlet Falen
-a small hamlet town with a burned down school house in the north, Pig Catcher Inn in the center of town, and pig farm in the south east of the town.
Goblin Boss (Renko) CR 1
Goblin (2 per PC) CR 1/4
2 Goblin Commoner (Renko’s helpers)
2 Commoners (Hostages, Loralie and Mariah)
Special actions
The goblin commoner’s will hide in the back room and once battle starts will keep an eye out on Renko through the slot on the door in the back.
Once the Goblin Boss either drops or gets to single digit hp
-if Renko dies the goblin commoners will sneak into the room and drag his body back to the back room to use a scroll of revivify or animate dead to bring him back to fight the PCs once more
-if Renko drops to low hp they will burst into the room and shoot the first two PCs with crossbows coated in drow poison.
goblin arms and armor
50 gp per PC
1 scroll of revivify or 2 doses of drow poison