If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Orc +1 to Str, Wis and Cha, Adrenaline Rush. Darkvision, Powerful Build, and Relentless Endurance.

Stats (27 pts)

Str 13 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 9 Cha 13

Class Breakdown: Barbarian 1/Paladin 5(Oath of Glory)

Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga, known simply as Mahoraga. He is the most powerful and fearsome shikigami capable of being summoned by users of the Ten Shadows Technique. A hulking being with incredible strength, unsurpassed regenerative ability, and the ability to adapt to any threat he faces, Mahoroga is a being who elicits fear into many who face it. This build of Mahoraga is of him at the start of his fight with Sukuna.

Barbarian is the starting class for Mahoraga granting him his incredible resistance to damage, his non-reliance on armor, and extra damage to his attacks. With Barbarian he gains proficiencies of Athletics and Intimidation, Rage, and Unarmored Defense.

Paladin is where Mahoroga gains his power to inflict positive energy attacks similar to his Sword of Extermination, incredible burst damage, and multiple ways for him to heal during any fight. With Paladin, he gains Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Fighting Style: Blind Fighting, Spellcasting, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Channel Divinity, and Extra Attack.

Sacred Oath: Oath of Glory is where Mahoraga’s already formidable strength and battle prowess are enhanced further with both features and spells. Oath of Glory gifts him with Oath Spells of Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Enhance Ability, Magic Weapon, and Channel Divinity Options of Peerless Athlete or Inspiring Smite. Peerless Athlete, in particular, is an important feature that Mahoraga can use to give him an advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks, doubles his already impressive carry, push drag, and lift amount, and increases the distance of his long and high jumps by an extra 10 feet.

The feat of Tavern Brawler gives him a +1 to Con, proficiency in improvised weapons, unarmed strike damage of d4, and the ability to bonus action attempt a grapple when he lands an unarmed strike or improvised weapon.

Background: Giant Foundling gives Mahoraga the skill proficiencies of Survival and Insight, the Languages of Giant and Infernal, and the Background Feature of Strike of the Giants which gives him the feat of Strike of the Giants (Stone Strike). This feat further increases his incredible striking power with bonus damage of 1d6 force.

Equipment: Longsword, 2 Handaxes, an Explorer’s Pack, and 4 Javelins and Giant Foundling Starting Equipment. Pick up a Necklace of Adaption to further enhance Mahoraga’s ability to adapt to any threat that he faces.



1st Level

Cure Wounds

Divine Favor

Guiding Bolt


Protection from Evil and Good

2nd Level

Enhance Ability

Lesser Restoration

Magic Weapon











Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related