If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Custom Lineage + 2 to Int, Size: Medium, Feat: Strike of the Giants (Hill Strike), Darkvision: 60 ft

Stats (27 pts)

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8

Class Breakdown: Fighter 5(Psi Warrior)/Barbarian 1

Myne is a major female supporting character in Berserker of Gluttony. She is a petite girl with markings on her skin carrying a massive axe named Sloth and the owner of the mortal sin Wrath. Her personality is a money-minded mercenary who journeys the countryside, fixing problems for money and feeding herself to maintain her wrathful energy. She is a long-lived being who seeks to rebuild her village in the ruins of Galia using her lifetime of martial techniques and overwhelming power in order to gain more wealth.

Fighter is where Myne garners most of her fighting skills, giving her the basic power needed to charge premium rates for her talents. With Fighter she gains the proficiencies of Survival and Insight, Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, Second Wind, Action Surge, and Extra Attack.

Martial Archetype: Psi Warrior enriches her fighting prowess to new levels with the ability to protect herself from harm, inflict heavy blows on a foe, or even move objects or creatures with little effort. With Psi Warrior she gains Psi Power, allowing her to roll d8 to reduce damage, inflict extra force damage, or move a loose object or willing creature 30 feet

Barbarian is where she gains her Mortal Sin skill of Wrath, increasing her durability and damage potential. With Barbarian Myne gains Rage and Unarmored Defense.

The feat of Great Weapon Master adds additional heft to her strikes at the cost of her accuracy, With this feat, she can gain an extra attack as a bonus action if she critical hits or reduces a foe to 0 hp as well as take a -5 to hit to inflict +10 to damage

Background: Mercenary Veteran gives her Athletics and Persuasion, Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land) and Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Mercenary Life.

Equipment Chain Mail, Battleaxe, Shield, 2 Handaxes, Explorer’s Pack, and Mercenary Veteran Starting Equipment. Pick up a Vicious Greataxe to mimic the powerful hits of Sloth.










Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related