If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Variant Human +1 to Dex and Int, Language: Elvish, Skill-Athletics, Feat: Mobile.

Stats (27 pts)

Str 10 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 10

Class Breakdown: Artificer 5 (Battle Smith)/Fighter 1

Iria is the main protagonist of Iria: Zeiram the Animation. She starts off as the younger sister and protege to full-fledged bounty hunter Glenn. Seeking to defeat the monstrously powerful Zeiram that caused the death of her brother, Iria becomes a one-woman army using the help of her allies, her skills, and every tool in her arsenal to defeat this threat. Her story is a stellar journey of revenge that will lead to either her death or the death of Zeiram.

Artificer is where she picks up her technological tools of the trade, her fearsome weaponry, her constant companion of BoB, and her fighting techniques when it comes to containing and defeating any alien threat. With Artificer she gains Magical Tinkering, Spellcasting, Infuse Item, Artificer Infusions of Magical Strength, Enhanced Weapon, Enhanced Defense and Repeating Shot, Artificer Specialist: Battle Smith, and The Right Tool for the Job,

Battle Smith is where Iria gains Tool Proficiency in smith tools, Battle Smith Spells of heroism, shield, branding smite and warding bond, Battle Ready, Steel Defender, and Extra Attack.

Fighter is where she gains her unarmed combat abilities as well as extra self-healing. With fighter, she gains Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting and Second Wind.

The feat of Mobile allows Iria to move with incredible maneuverability giving her an increased speed of 10 feet, the ability to dash over difficult terrain, and the capability to move away from a foe without provoking an opportunity attack if you attack that foe.

The feat of Sharpshooter gifts Iria with the ability to target her foes from the maximum range of the weapon used without a disadvantage on her attacks, she can ignore half to ¾ cover and can take a penalty to hit in order to inflict more damage.

Background: Urban Bounty Hunter gives her Insight and Persuasion, Tool Proficiencies of Dice Set and Flute, and the Background Feature of Ear to the Ground.

Equipment: Scale Mail, Sickle, Dagger, Light Crossbow, Revolver, Hunting Rifle, Laser Rifle, Thieves’ Tools, and Traveler’s Clothes.











Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related