If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Variant Human +1 to Dex and Wis, Language: Elvish, Skill-Sleight of Hand, Feat: Poisoner.

Stats (27 pts)

Str 9 Dex 13 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 14

Class Breakdown: Monk 3 (Way of Shadow)/Warlock 3 (The Fathomless)

Yuzuriha of Keishu is a major supporting character of Hell’s Paradise. She is an infamous kunoichi capable of using ki-enhanced attacks to dispatch her targets. Using a combination of a carefree enchantress’s demeanor and sleight of hands techniques she can quickly lower guards and lure potential targets into advantageous positions. She is the assigned convict monitored by Yamada Asaemon Senta. Fighting to preserve her life at all costs, Yuzuriha will use any methods at her disposal to ensure her survival, whether that be techniques or people. Though self-centered to a fault, she is capable of genuinely caring for those who earn her respect.

Monk is where she picks up her impressive kunoichi abilities, unarmed fighting ability, and ki-fueled skills. With Monk, she gains Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Ki, Unarmored Movement, and Deflect Missiles.

Way of Shadow is where Yuzuriha gains Shadow Arts. Shadow Arts is the ability to cast Darkness, Darkvision, Pass without Trace, or Silence with Ki as well as the cantrip of Minor Illusion.

Warlock is where she gains her Ninpo abilities involving body fluid ninjutsu. With Warlock, she gains Otherworldly Patron: The Fathomless, Pact Magic, Eldritch Invocations of Mask of Many Faces and Grasp of Hadar, and Pact Boon: Pact of the Talisman.

The Fathomless grants her Tentacle of the Deeps and Gift of the Sea. Tentacles of the Deeps allow her to summon a spectral tentacle to attack a foe within 60 feet of her. Gift of the Sea allows her a swim speed of 40 feet and the ability to breathe underwater.

The feat Poisoner allows Yuzuriha to create a powerful poison, the capability to injure a foe with poison even if they are resistant to poison damage, and the ability to apply poison as a bonus action.

Background: Criminal/Spy gives her Deception and Stealth, Tool Proficiencies of Thieves’ Tools and Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Criminal Contact.

Equipment: Shortsword, 10 Dart, Dark Common Clothes, and a Travel Alchemical Kit.









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related