If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Custom Lineage +2 to Cha, Size: Medium, Feat: Athlete, Variable Trait- Proficiency: Acrobatics

Stats (27 pts)

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 15

Class Breakdown: Bard 5 (College of Glamour)/Sorcerer 1 (Divine Soul)

Ruby Hoshino is the deuteragonist of Oshi no Ko. She is the hidden daughter of the fabled idol Ai Hoshino as well as the reincarnated soul of Sarina Tendoji. Her short life was one of idolizing Ai Hoshino and now as Ruby, she seeks to carry the bright star of her mother’s legacy into a new age.

Bard is where she picks up her fastidious performance skills, inspirational attitude, and star-studded talents as the leader of the reformed idol group B-Komachi. With Bard, she gains Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest, Expertise, and Font of Inspiration.

Bard College of Glamour is where Ruby gains Mantle of Inspiration and Enthralling Perfomance.

Sorcerer of Divine Soul is where Ruby gains the guiding light of the star that led her mother to become a dominant idol singer. With Sorcerer she gains Spellcasting, Divine Magic: Good, and Favored by the Gods.

The feat Athlete gives Ruby a +1 to Dex, the ability to stand up from being prone using only 5 feet of movement, for climbing to not count as extra movement, and the ability to make a running long or high jump after moving only 5 feet on foot.

The feat Actor gifts Ruby with further enhancement to her ability to perform as she marches towards her goal of becoming a famous idol like her mother. This feat gives her a +1 to her Cha, advantage on Deception and Performance checks when she attempts to pass herself off as a different person, as well as the ability to mimic the speech of another person or sounds of another creature.

Background: Entertainer gives Ruby the skills of Performance and Deception, Tool Proficiencies of Disguise Kit and Viol, and the Background Feature of By Popular Demand.

Equipment: Dagger, Leather Armor, Rapier, Hand Drum, Lyre, and Costume Clothes.









Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related