If I had to make this character I would do this:

Race: Custom Lineage +2 to Wis, Feat: Poisoner, and Variable Trait: Darkvision 60′

Stats (27 pts)

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8

Class Breakdown: Monk 6 (Way of the Kensei)

Curaré was once a member of the Society of Assassins. She was known as their deadliest and unfailing agent in the organization. After a string of setbacks by Batman and Barbara Gordon, she was sentenced to being hunted by the Society of Assassins. Unfortunately, for them, she was known as the top agent for a reason, bringing the Society of Assassins to their knees by the end of her rampage. She is known for her immense speed, deadly swordsmanship, devastating poisons, and incredible agility.

Monk is where she picks up her impressive fighting techniques and defensive talents. With Monk, she gains Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Ki, Unarmored Movement, Deflect Arrows, Slow Fall, Extra Attack, Stunning Strike, and Ki-Empowered Strikes.

The feat Poisoner gifts her with the ability to ignore poison resistance for foes, apply poison as a bonus action, and the capability to create a potent poison of 2d8 poison damage. The feat Slasher increases her Dex by +1, the ability to reduce a target’s speed by 10 feet, and gives a foe disadvantage on all attack rolls when she lands a critical hit.

Way of the Kensei is where she picks up a boost in both damage and defenses with Path of the Kensei. It is this feature that gives her Kensei Weapons: Longsword, Boomerang and Dart, Agile Parry, Kensei’s Shot, and Way of the Brush Calligrapher’s Supplies. She then gains the feature One with the Blade: Magic Kensei Weapons and Deft Strike.

Background: Criminal gives her Deception and Athletics, Tool Proficiencies of Thieves’ Tools and Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Criminal Contact.

Equipment: Her Longsword can be represented as a Longsword of Sharpness.








Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related