Zanise’s Orc tribe made a living on the steppes working as mercenary work for the various human settlements that sought to expand or protect their borders. Zanise eventually joined the church of Loviatar while aiding a strange band of human barbarians set to attack a frozen fortress at the world’s edge. Relishing in the pain, death, and destruction caused by this Warband, Zanise fought until she met her end during a counter-offensive. With her life waning from her she met her deity on the battlefield and was gifted with the chance to continue Loviatar’s will for as long as she pleased. Zanise awoke in a frozen cave with enhanced gifts from her goddess. Now, Zanise Ghoukav stalks the lands as a harbinger of her goddess, someone who delights in inflicting pain upon her foes.

Zanise Ghoukav (Death Stalker)

Race: Orc +2 to Con +1 to Str, Size: Medium, Adrenaline Rush, Darkvision, Powerful Build, Relentless Endurance

Stats (27-point buy)

Str 15 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 9 (base stats)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 9 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Necrotic Reaper of Life.
  2. Rushing Crusher.
  3. Relentless Death Dealer.


For Background, I chose Mercenary Veteran for Zanise. This gives her the skills of Athletics and Persuasion, the Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land), and Dice Set with the Background Feature of Mercenary Life.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with Cleric 1 (Death Domain)/Barbarian 5 (Path of the Zealot). With these classes, she gains the ability to layer potent damage deal spells, strong damage resistance from many attacks, fierce melee damage tainted with necrotic fury, an unyielding decree from her god to fight, and a crushing mighty feat. Combined with her racial abilities, Zanise becomes a harbinger of death, bringing untold destruction to her foes.

Cleric 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Insight and Medicine. Spellcasting, Bonus Proficiency in Martial Weapons, and the feature of Reaper. Repear gives her the ability to learn a necromantic cantrip and attack two creatures within range and separated by 5 feet. Went with Chill touch for both the range and the added feature of denying healing to a foe.

Barbarian 1 increases her battle prowess with Rage and Unarmored Defense.

Barbarian 2 continues her fury-laden path with Reckless Attack and Danger Sense.

Barbarian 3 is where Zanise Ghoukav is brought back to the world in service of her Goddess Loviatar, The Maiden of Pain. Zanise Ghoukav walks the Primal Path of the Zealot, gaining the features of Divine Fury and Warrior of the Gods. Divine Fury grants her additional necrotic damage each round while Warrior of the Gods ensures she can be brought back to fight with no cost should she be struck down again.

Barbarian 4 is where she gains the Feat Crusher. This gives her +1 to her Con, the ability to move a foe around by 5 feet, and scoring a critical hit gives additional attack rolls an advantage.

Barbarian 5 is the last level for this build with the feature Extra Attack and Fast Movement. Now she gains two attacks in a round and a movement increase by 10 feet.





Sacred Flame

Spare the Dying

Chill Touch

1st Level

False Life

Guiding Bolt

Inflict Wounds

Ray of Sickness


Standard Cleric Equipment with Warhammer, Scale Mail, Shield, Handaxe, and Amulet.

Character sheet from DND Beyond







Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related