Bell Cranel, known as Rabbit Foot and Little Rookie, is the main protagonist and captain of the familia named after the Goddes Hestia. Known as the Record Holder for his rapid growth in power as well as numerous heroic deeds in such a short time, Bell Cranel is a 15-year-old teenager who grew up in a small village with his grandfather telling him stories of great heroes. When his grandfather passed away he set out to become a hero in his own right as he traveled to Orario. He was turned down by many familias until Hestia found him and asked him to join her familia. From there Bell worked hard to make his mark in the heroic world but it wasn’t until he was rescued by Ais Wallenstein from a Minotaur that his story began. Bell has experienced a myriad of adventures, growing in power and experience with every trial bested and foe defeated. With the aid of his familia and friends Bell continues to tread the path of a hero. This build of Ball Cranel is him at level 4 after he is healed up by Marie the mermaid.

Bell Cranel Stats

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 12 Cha 12 (27 point buy)

Str 10 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 12 Cha 14 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Sorcerer 3(Divine Soul)/Bard 3(College of Swords)

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Dual Wielding Fury.
  2. Argonaut Sweeping Power.
  3. Luck of the Rabbit’s Feet.


For Background, I chose Folk Hero. He gains the Skill of Animal Handling and Survival, Tool Proficiencies of Vehicles (Land) and Cook’s Utensils, and the Background Feature of Rustic Hospitality.


For Race, I chose Custom Lineage. With this race, he gains + 2 Cha, Size: Medium, Feat: Dual Wielder, and Variable Trait: Proficiency-Perception.


Bell’s class breakdown is two classes, Sorcerer 3(Divine Soul)/Bard 3(College of Swords). It is with these classes that Bell gains access to casting with weapons in hand, fierce offensive, and defensive abilities, extremely skilled acrobat with the eyes of an eagle, the power to enhance his stats with powers and spells, a staggering amount of knowledge to aid in any dungeon, twin weapon fighting expert and the ability to change his outcomes for the better using the luck of the gods and spells. This combination of classes and feats is the best attempt to consolidate his abilities and talents at this level.

Bard 1 is the starting class for Bell. This gives him the skills of Acrobatics, Investigation, Persuasion, Shawm, Lyre and Wargong, Spellcasting, and Bardic Inspiration.

Bard 2 is where he picks up Jack of All Trades and Song of Rest. Jack of All Trades represents Bell’s ability to learn quickly, taking every lesson taught to him by Eina to heart.

Bard 3 grants him access to the Bard College: College of Swords and Expertise: Perception and Acrobatics. College of Swords is where Bell gains access to medium armor and scimitar proficiency, the ability to use a simple or martial melee weapon as a spellcasting focus for bard spells, Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting and Blade Flourish. The key feature is Blade Flourish since it gives him the ability to use his bardic inspiration dice to gain extra damage and either increase his AC, attack extra foes in a 5-foot area or move a target and then move to himself afterward. This represents him beginning his training with Ais.

Sorcerer 1 is the next step in Bell’s ascension to becoming a hero, with the Sorcerous Origin: Divine Soul. With this class, he gains Spellcasting, Divine Magic: Law, and Favored by the Gods. Favored by the Gods represents Bell’s Luck ability since it grants him the power to add 2d4 to a failed saving throw or missed attack.

Sorcerer 2 is where he gains the feature Font of Magic. This gives him the ability to use Sorcery Points to either cast more spells or gain more sorcery points by sacrificing spell slots.

Sorcerer 3 is the final level for Bell with Metamagic: Subtle Spell and Twinned Spell as well as 2nd-level spells.

With full use of Bell’s powers, he can perform the following techniques via job features and abilities:

  • Fast Learning- Jack of All Trades
  • Skilled Fighter- Dual Wielder feat + Fighting Style: Two Weapon Fighting + Blade Flourish
  • Gaze Sensing- Expertise: Perception
  • Firebolt-Fire Bolt spell
  • Liaris Freese- Being a PC + 27 pt buy
  • Argonaut– Bardic Inspiration + Heroism spell + Enhance Ability + Guidance spell + Metamagic Feature (Subtle and Twinned)
  • Argo Vesta– Green-Flame Blade Spell + Mobile Flourish
  • Luck– Favored by the Gods feature + Silvery Barbs spell
  • Abnormal Resistance– Protection from Poison spell
  • Escape– Expeditious Retreat spell

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Bell Cranel a resounding crescendo of heroic power battling to save those he can from the forces of evil in Six levels or Less.




Fire Bolt

Green-Flame Blade



1st Level

Expeditious Retreat

Silvery Barbs

2nd Level

Enhance Ability

Protection from Poison



Blade Ward


1st Level

Comprehend Languages

Feather Fall

Healing Word


2nd Level


Lesser Restoration


Standard Bard equipment with 2 Daggers, entertainer’s pack, leather armor, lyre, and cook’s utensils. For Pyonkichi Mk-V use Armor of Cold Resistance, Breastplate. For the Hestia, Knife I would make an Adamantine dagger +3.

Shout out to and AniNews for their amazing information in making this fantastic character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. I will be continuing to create members of the Hestia familiar. The next member is Liliruca Arde the supporter of Master Bell! Until later Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related