Viktor Romanska was abandoned on the stoop of a local monastery one rainy night in the fall. All that was left with the child was a signet ring, a note addressed to Liv, and a purse filled with 100 gold coins. Once Viktor was let into the monastery and met by an elderly-looking woman with a kindly fey grin and hair tied into a bun. “Hello, Viktor I will be training you for the next few years, though it may be hard you will be of use to our patron, especially with your pedigree. Let us begin…” With that Viktor was trained both physically and mentally to be not only a fierce swordsman but a diligent noble. The decade of training forged Viktor into a cunning manipulator with a blade capable of defeating any noble in a duel. Now he is the left hand of his lord, bear both fang and steel to dispatch any who is set before him.

Viktor Romanska (Noble Duelist)

Race: Dhampir +1 to Dex, Wis, and Cha, Creature Type: Humanoid, Size: Medium, Ancestral Legacy: Perception and Insight, Darkvision, Deathless Nature, Spider Climb, and Vampiric Bite.

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 9 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 15 Cha 12 (base stats)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 13 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Mobile Sword Assassin.
  2. Magnetic Personality.
  3. Pedigree of a Noble Monster.


For Background, I chose Noble for Viktor. This gives him the skills of History and Persuasion, the Tool Proficiency of Playing Card Set, the language of Undercommon, and the Background Feature of Position of Privilege.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with Monk 5 (Way of the Kensei)/Warlock 1 (The Archfey). With these classes, he gains the ability to be quick and deadly with a longsword enhanced with the incredible power of Ki, further enriched combat potential with the feat Martial Adept, the ability to influence many with the power of the fey, and heavy burst damage with both spell and swordsmanship. Combined with his racial abilities Viktor is truly a blue-blood hunter dispatching those who have garnered the ire of his patron.

Monk 1 is the beginning of this build with the proficiencies of Athletics, Stealth and Lute, Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Warlock 1 is where Viktor gains the features of Pact Magic, Otherworldly Patron: The Archfey, and Fey Presence. With Fey Presence he can project either a fear or charm effect in a 10-foot cube around himself that last until the end of his next turn.

Monk 2 continues his martial training with the features of Ki and Unarmored Movement.

Monk 3 combines all of Viktor’s training into a newly trained duelist with the Monastic Tradition of Way of the Kensei and Deflect Missles. Way of the Kensei grants him access to the Kensei Weapons: Longsword and Dart, Agile Parry, Kensei’s Shot, and Way of the Brush: Painter’s Supplies.

Monk 4 grants Viktor the feat of Martial Adept: Brace and Riposte and the feature of Slow Fall. This further increases his swordsmanship with the ability to initiate attacks using his reactions whether that be when an enemy reaches him first or when a foe misses him with an attack.

Monk 5 is the final level for this build with the features of Extra Attack and Stunning Strike.





Green-Flame Blade

1st Level

Armor of Agathys

Unseen Servant


Standard Monk Equipment with Shortsword and Dart, Fine Clothes, and a Signet Ring. Pick up a Moon-Touched Longsword when you can to complete the ensemble.

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related