Safaris was raised in a small hamlet nestled in the fallen remains of a conquered castle. It was here that her family was responsible for protecting a key smuggling point for a local warlord in the area. It was also a place of dark magic that gifted those who lived here with fantastical powers for a price. Seeing her potential her father trained her in the family’s way of life, and he gifted her with a broken sword hilt that would link her to the power of the area. From then on she trained her skills and newfound powers with frightening proficiency, eventually standing head and shoulders over her peers. Now she has begun to travel the land in search of new veins of power as a priestess of twilight, seeking to grow her abilities further.

Safaris (Dark Sword Saint)

Race: Zariel Tiefling +1 to Str, +2 Cha, Darkvision, Hellish Resistance, Legacy of Avernus

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 9 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 14 (base stats)

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 16 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Shadowy Sword Slinger.
  2. Combat For All Ranges.
  3. Vigilant Smite Machine.


For Background, I chose Criminal for Safaris. This gives her the skills of Stealth and Perception, the Tool Proficiencies of Thieves’ Tools and Dice Set, and the Background Feature of Criminal Contact.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with Warlock 5(The Hexblade)/Cleric 1(Twilight Domain). With these classes she gains the ability to unleash multiple smites capable of leaving foes prone, powerful spells that enhance her abilities in ranges from frontline combat to longer ranged engagements, capable ambushing potential with the ability to turn invisible or grant advantage on initiative rolls. This combined with her racial abilities lends to a hit-and-run fighting style that has the versatility to stand toe to toe when she wants to.

Warlock 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Deception and Investigation, Pact Magic, Expanded Spell List: Shield and Wrathful Smite, Hexblade’s Curse, and Hex Warrior.

Cleric 1 is where Safaris gains her Twilight abilities after being accepted by the priest of twilight. She gains the Bonus Proficiencies of Martial Weapons and Heavy Armor, Eyes of the Night, and Vigilant Blessing.

Warlock 2 grants her Eldritch Invocations. At this level, you should go for Agonizing Blast and Eldtritch Mind, but will be changing Agonizing Blast for One with Shadows and Eldritch Mind for Improved Pact Weapon towards the end of the build.

Warlock 3 is where Safaris gains access to her Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade. This is also where she would switch out Eldtritch Mind for Improved Pact Weapon.

Warlock 4 gives Safaris the feat of Skulker. This gives her the ability to high while lightly obscured, attack a foe with a ranged weapon and still remain hidden even if she misses, and dim light doesn’t impose a disadvantage on Wis checks relying on sight.

Warlock 5 is the final level for this build with our 3rd Eldritch Invocation of Eldritch Smite as well as 3rd-level spells.




Eldritch Blast


Green-Flame Blade

1st Level

Armor of Agathys

2nd Level


Cloud of Daggers


Shadow Blade

3rd Level

Summon Shadowspawn




Spare the Dying

Word of Radiance

1st Level

Faerie Fire


Guiding Bolt

Healing Word

Shield of Faith


Standard Warlock Equipment with 2 daggers, Leather Armor, and a Spear.

Character sheet from DND Beyond


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related