Lliric spent his days training at a small forest monastery at the foot of a mountain range. Those days changed when the monastery was targeted by dark forces for destruction. A horde of werewolves and gnolls sacked the monastery and killed all they could find. Lliric barely escaped with his life but was infected by lycanthropy. Lliric spent a few moons being led by his lunar-fueled rage before being stopped by a Blood Hunter of the Lycan order. After being brought to heel Lliric was trained on how to harness his wrathful transformation and given the chance to atone for his blood-soaked actions. Now, Lliric spends his days traveling the countryside hunting the dark monsters that stalk the outside communities of the lands.

Lliric (Skin-Stalker)

Race: Shadar-kai +1 to Str, Wis, and Dex, Size: Medium, Blessing of the Raven Queen, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Keen Senses: Perception, Necrotic Resistance, Trance: Thieves’ Tools and Poisoner’s Kit.

Stats (27- point buy)

Str 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 13 Cha 9 (base stats)

Str 13 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 14 Cha 9 (racial and feat adjustment)

The three things that I wanted to achieve with this build are:

  1. Lupine Transformation.
  2. Fisticuffs in the Dark.
  3. Shadowed-Soul Hunter.


For Background, I chose Urban Bounty Hunter for Lliric. This gives him the skills of Stealth and Deception, the Tool Proficiencies of Pan Flute and Playing Card Set, and the Background Feature of Ear to the Ground.


For the Class makeup of this build, I went with Monk 1/Blood Hunter 5 (Order of the Lycan). With these classes he gains the ability to unleash devastating blows with his body whether in his hybrid form or normal form, enhanced AC without armor to slow him down, multiple skills in using various kits, the ability to grant himself an advantage on attacks and perception checks, a hybrid transformation to unleash more power, and multiple attacks. Combined with his racial abilities Lliric is a force of nature untamed and overwhelming.

Monk 1 is the beginning of this build with the skills of Athletics, Insight and Cook’s Utensils, Unarmored Defense, and Martial Arts.

Blood Hunter 1 is where Lliric gains the skill of Survival, Hunter’s Bane: Wisdom, Blood Maledict and Blood Curses: Blood Curse of the Marked.

Blood Hunter 2 grants him Divine Health, Oath Spells: Armor of Agathys and Command, and Channel Divinity of Conquering Presence or Guided Strike. Conquering Presence is a key feature for this level since Urrus gains the ability to instill fear into each creature of his choice within 30 feet of himself.

Blood Hunter 3 is where Lliric picks up his ability to transform with Blood Hunter Order: Order of the Lycan, Heightened Senses: Wisdom, Hybrid Transformation, and Features.

Blood Hunter 4 gives Lliric the feat Crusher: +1 to Con. This gives him the ability to batter a foe back 5 ft as well as giving his allies an advantage on a foe when he lands a critical blow.

Blood Hunter 5 is the final level for this build with the feature of Extra Attack.




Standard Monk Equipment with Shortsword, Dart, and Traveler’s Clothes.

Character sheet from DND Beyond



Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related