Ashuna Grisarika is a recurring supporting character of Virgin Road and a warrior princess of the Kingdom of Grisarika belonging to the Noblesse class. She holds a love for beautiful things while challenging her abilities in combat. Called the “Princess Knight” by her people, Ashuna has complete confidence in her abilities, her body, and instincts, often showing up in the right place at the right time in order to participate in intense battles. She has a growing fondness for Momo, often inquiring about her whereabouts whenever she runs into Flarette. Ashuna’s fighting style consists of using her magically runic Longsword along with her etheric abilities to overwhelm her foes with her combat prowess.

Ashuna Grisarika Stats

Str 15 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 13 (27 point buy)

Str 16 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 13 (after racial and feat mod)

Class Paladin 5 (Oath of Glory)/Monk 1

The three things that I wanted to achieve in this build are:

  1. Armored without Armor.
  2. Massive, Magical, Melee Blows.
  3. Princess Among Knights.


For Background, I chose Noble for Ashuna. She gains the Skill Proficiencies of History and Persuasion, Tool Proficiency of Dice Set, Language of Undercommon, and the Background Feature of Position of Privilege. This represents her Noblesse caste background.


For Race, I chose Variant Human. With this race, she gains +1 to Str and Wis, Feat: Magic Initiate-Sorcerer, and Skills: Insight.


Ashuna’s class breakdown is a mixture of two classes, Paladin 5 (Oath of Glory)/Monk 1. It is with these classes that she gains access to immense martial abilities supplemented with the damage from Divine Smites, spells that replicate her etheric abilities, overwhelming strength, and confident unarmored defenses with a keen insight into the world around her. This combination of class and feats is the best attempt to consolidate her abilities and talents at this level.

Paladin 1 is the starting class for Ashuna. This gives her the skills of Intimidation and Athletics, Divine Sense, and Lay on Hands. The key feature is Lay on Hands since it allows her to heal up during her many battles.

Monk 1 is the next step in her progression as she gains access to Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts. This gives her a stronger defensive increase to her AC as well as the ability to deal greater damage with her fists.

Paladin 2 grants her access to Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, Spellcasting, and Divine Smite. Now, she can attack with greater damage from wielding her sword two-handed, helpful spells, and the ability to deal a strong amount of single-target damage fueled by her spells slots.

Paladin 3 is where she picks up the Oath of Glory. Oath of Glory grants her Oath Spells: Guiding Bolt and Heroism, and Channel Divinity: Peerless Athlete or Inspiring Smite. Peerless Athlete gives her an increase in her physical ability while Inspiring Smite allows her to grant her allies temporary hitpoints.

Paladin 4 is where she is granted the Feat of Slasher. Slasher gives her a +1 to Dex, the ability to slow down a foe by 10 feet, and the ability to deliver a disadvantage on all attack rolls for a foe when she lands a critical hit against a foe using slashing damage.

Paladin 5 is the final level for Ashuna with access to Extra Attack and 2nd-level spells. Now she gains two attacks a round and has access to strong spells such as Magic Weapon and Branding Smite.

With full use of Ashuna’s powers she can perform the following techniques via class features and abilities:.

Guiding Enhancement- Channel Divinity, Lay on Hands, Spells

Flame Burst- Green Flame Blade, Searing Smite Spell

Slash: Expansion- Divine Smite, Smite Spells


Magic Initiate-Sorcerer


Fire Bolt

Green-Flame Blade

1st Level



1st Level

Compelled Duel

Divine Favor

Guiding Bolt


Searing Smite

2nd Level

Enhance Ability

Magic Weapon

This combination of feats, stats, and spells makes this DND build of Ashuna Grisarika the powerful “Princess Knight” that inspires the passions of her subjects through her powerful battle prowess, explosive swordsmanship, and exceptional beauty in Six levels or Less.


Standard Paladin equipment with a Longsword, Shortsword, and 5 Javelins. Pick up a Flame Tongue Longsword to represent her runic royal sword.

Shout out to for their amazing information in making this incredible character as well as DNDBeyond for its character creation platform. My last build for the series will be the immortal otherworlder herself, Akari! Until next week Tale-Tellers!


Creative Writer who loves all things food, travel, anime, movie and TTRPG related